New At CYBER SCHOOL Catch the Cyber Wave
NEW HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES Christian Ethics 10, 20 & 30 Physics 20 Chemistry 20 Creative Writing Math 90 French Journalism Media Studies 20 History 30 (coming soon to a cyber world near you) “I have really enjoyed taking classes online. It gives me the freedom to work at my own pace as I am very busy with work and my extra curricular activities.”
LEARNING COMMUNITIES The way of the future for sharing resources, information and asking questions!
What Are SCS Learning Communities Learning Communities are places where SCS staff can gather to share information, ideas, units, web sites, etc… Learning Communities cater to different groups. (i.e. Principals, L.A.T’s, Grade 2 Teachers, Secondary Science Teachers) Learning Communities are secure areas housed in WebCT. Users must register through the Cyber School to receive log in credentials SCS Learning Communities are open to anyone who wishes to register. There are certain exceptions to this rule (i.e. Principal LC) The sky is the limit. SCCS will develop a LC for any group who wishes to have a secure area to communicate
What do SCS Learning Communities include? Helpful tutorials regarding the use of WebCT Support from SCCS staff. All Learning Communities have secure , chat rooms and discussion boards. “The Learning Communities have really helped me to organize my computer classes.
High School Subject Area Learning Communities Christian Ethics English Language Arts Fine/Practical Arts Mathematics Physical Education Sciences, Second Languages Social Sciences “Wow, I can’t believe what Cyber School has to offer my child for courses in high school. My son can take courses online to help make his timetable more flexible.”
Elementary School Learning Communities Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 “As an L.A.T I find these Learning Communities extremely useful, as it keeps me on in check of the different expectations of each grade. Thank you Cyber School”
Other Learning Communities Principal Assistant and Vice Principal Secretary School Counselors Cupe 2268 Learning Assistance Teachers Teacher Librarians Technical Support Teacher Assistants ESL Band/Music Teachers SchoolPLUS Coordinators “ As a vice-principal, I find it extremely useful to use the Learning Communities as a way to keep my fellow members abreast of various situations, like Meetings and minutes.”
Learning Community Examples
Learning Community Uses
Discussion boards & threaded archived information Web sites & blogs Reflective journaling Professional Growth Plan strategies can easily be accomplished Unit or lessons (printable and modifiable) Calendar (global or private) – share dates SO MANY POSSIBILITIES Share your creative ideas with us! “I can’t believe the possibilities with these Learning Communities. The sky’s the limit”
Testimonials “The Learning Communities have helped me to narrow my search for information that would benefit my students. Now I don’t spend my whole prep period looking for one specific item.” “The Learning Communities have enabled me to communicate quickly with other teachers in the same grade level.” “ This is a learning tool long in the making. I am so grateful to the people that have created a ‘user-friendly site for teachers in Saskatchewan”
Future Learning Community Considerations… Resources for parents Resources for students (i.e. Science club & writing club) Partnerships with other school divisions’ province wide and potentially worldwide. Learning Communities for priests and parishes in the city and beyond Communication hubs for students to connect with other students around the world Any other ideas??? “The future of Learning Communities is unlimited. This fits so well into the SchoolPLUS agenda.”
Elementary Cyber Classes Elementary students can take their computer classes online. The process is as easy as 1,2,3 … 1.Fax or your student names, student #s and computer passwords to Sandra at Cyber School. 2.Wait for confirmation from Sandra via or fax. 3.Have your students log on and VOILA!!! “I love using the online computer classes. My students feel they are learning more computer skills”
A Few of the Many Benefits of an Online Classroom: Teachers can provide information to parents. The classroom is secure. (Username/Password) Students can log on and work at home. Teachers can view all student progress. Interactive (Student/Teacher/Parent). Vast possibilities (Technology integration, resource based learning, journal writing, quiz and test development [marking], audio dictations, etc.) “My students are totally loving the online class- room. Thank you for organizing this!!”
The Classroom Homepage The homepage lists all of the different components of the classroom. There are 3 navigation areas: the left bar, the top bar and the icons (pictures).
View of the Grade 5 Homepage
The Technology Lessons This section includes lessons which cover the entire grade 4 technology scope and sequence.
A Typical Unit Layout: Each unit has a table of contents. You can always add, remove or hide sections of the table of contents. “The Units are laid out in a fashion that makes it so so easy to align with the units studied in class.”
Grade 7/8 Math Resources on Web CT curriculum aligned additional resources –-lessons –-questions Interactive stand alone non-evaluative
curriculum aligned follows grade course objective charts on the scs website
Additional resources as lessons & questions
Interactive Lessons
Math Resources Main Page
Personalizing the Elementary Classroom You have 3 options: –Expert User – Complete control and designer of your own classroom along with aid via Cyber School when needed. –Intermediate User- Some options to make changes and access aid via Cyber School –Novice User- What you see is what you get along with aid via Cyber School.