at Dorothy Stringer School are currently looking to recruit new members of the Student Voice Group
Who are we? Student Voice is a body of students from different years who are mainly led by Mr. Shilladay, Mrs. Uren and Mrs. Allen. This is about half of Student Voice. The whole group has about 25 members. Members are from all year groups.
What do we do? We observe lessons, then give positive feedback and tips for the future. We examine school policy. Suggest ways that aspects of our school can be improved.
Why join Student Voice? It is fun and you get to make suggestions and feedback to teachers. The teachers are positive about the process. You will do something different and mature. Your voice will be heard and you’ll make changes. It is good experience for the future. You get to meet new people and hear their ideas. You will learn new skills and build confidence. You get biscuits.
What we are looking for…
New members for Year 8 next year, who are… … Enthusiastic … motivated … positive … friendly … fun
We are looking for pupils who… … have an interest in their learning. … communicate well with teachers and pupils. … feel proud of their school. … want to change their school for the better. … have strong opinions. … work well in a group. … enjoy discussion and debate. … think that their ideas should be heard.
What should you do now?
Get writing… 1.Write your letter of application (see Mr. Shilladay if you would like a help sheet or advice). 2.Hand your letter in to Mr. Shilladay in H3, by Friday 27 th June 2008 (or give it to your tutor to pass on). 3.Wait to hear back from the Student Voice Team. 4.If your letter is successful, we will see you for a brief discussion and interview. 5.Your parents will be informed. 6.Training on how to observe lessons and feedback will take place. Include in your application: Why you want to be considered for these positions. What are your reasons? What skills you have that will enable you to observe lessons and feedback positively to teachers. Any other reasons you should be chosen.
at Dorothy Stringer School Looks forward to hearing from you… school