EUTRAMO activities and events at Kontyfa School, Budapest ( )
The first year of the project 1. 1st Project Meeting in Vienna - Getting to know each other (Making an introductory film about our school) - Setting the goals of the common project - Scheduling the activities - Sightseeing in Vienna
2. School events during the first year of the project - Visiting the Museum of Transport in Budapest - Doing project work on the history of traffic in Budapest - Survey on travelling habits of our students and teachers (putting the questionnaire together, collecting, summarising and analysing data, setting out local traffic problems)
3. 2nd Project Meeting in Budapest - Preparations - Opening with the major of our district and with some Hungarian folk dancing - Sightseeing tour with students’ guidance - Students’ presentations on school activities, comparing and contrasting local problems
4. 3rd Project Meeting in Istanbul - Students introducing their countries and cultures - Students’ presentations on traffic history and situations in different cities - Students’ workshop - A very colourful sightseeing tour in Istanbul
5. Cycling tour around Lake Tisza
6. Different lessons on the topic of traffic and on its effects on the environment and the society (history, environment protection, art)
The second year of the project 1. Competition on traffic safety for little children during the European mobility Week (cooperation with local authorities and civil organisations, inviting teams of all district schools for the competition)
2. Art competition and exhibition on the topic ‘Life Without Cars’
Project meeting in Brno
- Measuring traffic frequency and noise pollution - A visit to the district town hall (the new traffic strategy and concept of the 15th district in Budapest) - A presentation by an expert at our school on sustainable development of transport
A project meeting in Bucharest
- The ‘Titanic’ exhibition - A non-official project meeting in Istanbul
- The 7th project meeting in Budapest - A visit to the construction of the Northern Danube Bridge - Project work on the topic of transport and traffic at other grades of Kontyfa School
- A visit to Budapest Airport (12-grade students)
- A fully documented project on traffic and traffic safety for lower-primary school pupils with teaching materials