D EMOCRACY AT SCHOOLM IN A USTRIA : Decisions are taken collectivelly and democratically; Pupils, teacher and parents work together; In Austria we have special laws for school;
O RGANISATION IN A USTRIA : Nursery school and elementary school the parents represent the pupils; Secondary modern school and special schools the pupils from class chosse one person; Organisation after secondary modern school: director, three techers, three pupils and three parents;
C LASS REPRESENTATIVE IN A USTRIA : Class Speaker: - since the fifth grade - choice is hold by the whole class - most points = class speaker - represent the wishes of class School Speaker: - represent the wishes of every pupil at school
S ELECTIONS IN A USTRIA : Choice is absolutly secret; Nobody else can choose for you; Every choice member has the same possibility;
O UR Q UOTE : Democracy in school is for everybody and without democracy, there can be no similarity at all.
S CHOOL G OVERNMENT IN MUNICIPALITIES IN FINLAND : Government decides issues Have an executive power Schoolboard prepares and decides for example filling post Officials are for example director of education and principal In schools are management group and teacher´s meeting
S TUDENTS ´ UNION IN F INNLAND : Can make initiatives Can be involved in schools meetings Watches benefits of students Have a own functions, for example organize different happenings to students
P UPIL REPRESENTATION IN P OLAND : Represents the pupils 5 members, who are chosen Meeting Different functions Informations