What is the difference between Mood and Tense? Keep in mind that all verbs have tense and mood. Tense refers to present, past, future, etc. Mood refers to the speaker’s attitude toward the action.
The Indicative Mood WHAT?????? The Indicative mood is used to report facts and things that are certain. You walk to school. Tú andas a la escuela. We speak English and Spanish. Hablamos inglés y español.
The Subjunctive Mood The subjunctive mood is used to express uncertainties. These uncertainties come in the form of impersonal expressions in this chapter. Can you give an example of in impersonal expression?
Ejemplos: Es importante Es triste Es necesario Es raro que There are more in your notes and practice sheets for the week. Make note of them for future use.
How do you know when to use this? AND When a sentence starts with one of those phrases AND the subject changes after the que, the verb that goes with the new subject will be in the subjunctive mood. Another way to know when to use these is by using the acronym, WEIRDO. Each letter stands for another use.
WEIRDO W - Will / Wish E - Emotions I - Impersonal Expressions R -Requests D -Doubt or Denial O - Ojalá I will hand out a sheet with different verbs in each category.
Ejemplos: Espero que ustedes aprendan mucho de la clase de español. Mi madre quiere que yo haga los quehaceres antes de salir. Ojalá que el equipo de baloncesto gane mucho este año.
¿Cómo se forma el sujuntivo? Do you remember how to form formal commands? Just like those you begin with: 1. Present tense yo form 2. Drop the ‘o’ 3. Add the appropriate endings.
Subjunctive verb endings -ar verbs Yoe Túes Éle Nosotrosemos Ellosen -er and –ir endings Yoa Túas Éla Nosotrosamos Ellosan
Spelling Irregularities: Remember the –car, gar, and zar spelling changes: car- qu, gar – gu, zar – c Verbs ending in -cer and –cir have spelling issues in the yo form in the present: conocer - conozcotraducir - traduzco Verbs like construir with the u at the end of the stem will have a y added to the conjugated yo form: construyo Stem-changing verbs will follow the same rules. No stem-change in the nosotros form. Volver – vuelva vuelvas vuelva volvamos vuelvan
Irregulars: Ir- to go vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan Saber – to know a fact Sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan Ser – to be Sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean Dar – to give Dé, des, dé, demos, den Remember that if a verb is irregular in the yo form, it will have a somewhat irregular form in the subjunctive.
Now, for your viewing pleasure!