Wednesday September 10, 2014 – GWMS – MPR Mrs. Savino
Fill out Registration Form by Sept. 15 = Signing up for Band or Orchestra Available online Return form to school me Get an instrument by September 22 nd (you can start Q&F rental online or phone, BUT not guaranteed delivery to Mrs. S)
FluteClarinetAlto Saxophone TrumpetTrombonePercussion ViolinViola Cello Lyons Township, Naz. Etc. Band & Orchestra FYI – Morton West Band only (Orch. Club to be class next year)
8:40 9:10 9:40 etc.
Beginning Orchestra Concerts – January 14, :30 PM GWMS MPR – April 22, :30 PM GWMS MPR Beginning Band Concerts – January 25, :30 PM GWMS MPR – April 16, :30 PM GWMS MPR School Assemblies & GW Tours – May 2015 during school Concert Dress Dress Top Nice Bottom NO Gym shoes, jeans, or T-Shirts
Music Stand Highly Recommended – about $15
If you are going to provide your own instrument have it by Sept. 22 Call/ Mrs. Savino with questions If you are going to provide your own instrument have it by Sept. 22 Call/ Mrs. Savino with questions
Optional, but highly recommended 4:00PM to 5:00PM GWMS, Band/Orchestra Room 156 Bus provided from elementary schools to GWMS after school. Parent pick up required. All beginning students come to learn and review how to put together and care for the instruments. Also learn the first three notes on your instruments! Monday Sept 29 Tuesday Sept 30 Wednesday Oct 1 Thursday Oct 2 Friday Oct 3 Saxophone Trumpet Violin Clarinet Flute Trombone Percussion Viola Cello
If they get frustrated make the sessions short/take breaks Practice during the commercials while watching TV
Strings String breaks Woodwinds Swab stuck in instrument Brass Stuck mouthpiece or valves Avoided with regular oiling of valves, but… Mouthpiece then… If doesn’t remove with firm pull, then… All other issues like drops or breaks Mrs. Savino will send it into Q&F on your behalf and student will play on Q&F loaner until repair is complete. Avoid by loosening the string before tightening it, but… If Q&F then Mrs. S orders string for free. If not, pay for string, then… Avoid by not wadding up swab, but…
Stick around to play the instrument your student picked! Mrs. Savino COMMUNICATION Weekly s,