Some Essentials Admission verified with letter from Graduate School. Letter includes: Name of program to which admitted (licensure or master’s program) Additional requirements for initial teacher licensure students (Accelerated Teacher Licensure) Name of advisor Recommendations: Meet with advisor early to plan your Program of Study Only master’s degree students required to submit Program of Study to Graduate School; however, good idea for everyone to complete Come prepared (questions, transcripts)
Essentials Advising: Advisor has the authority to approve/not approve prior coursework Advisees assigned randomly Students have the right to change advisors (complete “Change of Advisor Form” through Graduate School Office) Communicate with your advisor regularly
Essentials All prerequisite and core classes offered fall and spring semesters on a rotating campus basis. For example, if 548 is offered in Edina (7700 France) fall semester, it will be offered in Mankato spring semester. Two campuses allows us to serve 2 distinct student populations Typical summer offerings include: Some prerequisites (605) 2 ATL offerings (509 & 514 for summer 2011) Autism Certificate (680, 681, 682, 683) Additional core classes (661, 645 for summer 2011)
Accelerated Teacher Licensure Called “Expanded Edition” in the past Courses also identified as “SEP’s” or Standards of Effective Practice 4 additional courses for students with a bachelor’s degree but no teaching license Students must be admitted to Professional Education in the first semester of the program. PLEASE Go to: to begin the process. Admission includes: Application to Professional Education Unofficial copies of College Transcripts Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) Basic Skills Test Scores for Reading, Writing, and Math Writing Assessment Lab or WAL Key College of Education Contact for Admittance to Professional Education: Dr. Scott Page
ATL Rotation Summer , 514 Fall , 514 Spring Summer , 513 Key Department Contact: Dr. Andrew Johnson
Student Teaching Student teaching and seminar classes taken AFTER all prerequisite and core classes completed. Application deadlines: html * Fall semester student teaching - Application due by the 4 th Friday in October the preceding year * Spring semester student teaching - Application due by the 4 th Friday in April the preceding year Key Department Contact: Dr. Steven Robinson
Student Teaching Students can student teach while hired if: Position is full-time Position is SPED teacher (not paraprofessional) Position includes working with LD and/or EBD students Note: ALL students will be assigned a licensed cooperating teacher Seminar classes taken with student teaching SPED 648: Seminar Current Issues & Trends LD SPED 649: Graduate Student Teaching LD SPED 658: Seminar: Current Issues and Trends EBD SPED 667: Graduate Student Teaching EBD
Licensure requirements Initial teacher licensure candidates (ATL students who do not hold a teaching license) complete: 1) SPED Core Content of Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) (2 subtests) 2) Pedagogy Test of MTLE ( 2 subtests-can choose elementary or secondary Add-on licensure candidates who hold an elementary or secondary teaching license but no SPED license complete: 1) SPED Core Content of Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) (2 subtests) Add-on licensure candidates who currently hold a SPED license do not complete either of these tests (passed previously) These tests would typically be taken at the end of your program but before applying for licensure Key College of Education Contact for MTLE Questions: Jill Ryan
Licensure Requirements Apply for licensure after coursework is completed and MTLE exams have been passed (most students prepare application during LD or EBD seminar classes). Submit application for licensure to Gail Orcutt in the College of Education. She will: Pull MSU transcripts Forward application to SPED dept. chair for approval Send application to state for approval Key College of Education Contact for Processing Licensure Applications: Gail Orcutt
Master’s Degree 34 graduate level credits required for the master’s degree Can’t include prerequisite classes 605 and 548 Seminar, student teaching and ATL graduate courses count towards the 34 required grad credits If earning EBD license need 3 additional classes (600, 610, 694) If earning LD license need 4 additional classes (600, 610, 694) plus one more 4 credit, graduate level class
Graduate sequence Must be taken sequentially and NOT simultaneously) SPED 600 Intro to Educational Research (3 credits) Focuses on basics of summarizing and writing about educational research Hybrid format (1/3 face-to-face, 2/3 independent/online) or fully online (Check MSU class schedule) SPED 610 Using Educational Research (3 credits) Primary focus is academic writing 1 st of 3 capstone papers prepared with guidance/feedback. Delivery format is fully online SPED 694 Preparing Capstone Project (1 credit) 2 Double-spaced 12-pg. minimum papers written on current SPED topics Randomly assigned a SPED department reader Delivery format is independent study (no face-to-face sessions) Key Department Contact: Dr. Steven Robinson