My ResearchMy Data My ResearchMy Data My Hypothesis My Conclusion My HypothesisMy Conclusion Designing my experiment Conducting my experiment
I think that more people will smile back at you, if you smile at them first. back SMILE
When someone yawns, everyone else seems to yawn too. It’s the same with clearing your throat, but when someone smiles at you, do you do it out of habit or is it contagious? back
My Results: Back
When they didn’t smile back: back
When he smiled back: Back
I went to a mall and smiled at ten people, and didn’t smile at another set of ten people. I recorded the number of people that did or did not smile back at me if I smiled at them first. I then recorded the number of people that did or did not smile at me when I simply made eye contact with them. Back
My hypothesis was correct. More people smile back at you when you smile at them first, and fewer people smile at you if you don’t smile at them first. Back My Results