Public Hearing February 26, 2013
Case:LUP Project:North of Alberts LUP Appellant:Duke Woodson Applicant:Duke Woodson District:1 Request: To consider an appeal of the Development Review Committees (DRC) decision on November 21, 2012, to deny a request for Impact Fee Credit eligibility for the proposed Adequate Public Facility (APF) Road C. North of Alberts LUP
Location Map North of Alberts LUP
PD Land Use Plan North of Alberts LUP
Impact Fee Committees Recommendation October 17, The Road Agreement Committee (RAC) upheld the County Engineers determination that Road C is not an impact fee eligible roadway and therefore not entitled to transportation impact fee credits for Road C improvement costs. October 17, The Road Agreement Committee (RAC) upheld the County Engineers determination that Road C is not an impact fee eligible roadway and therefore not entitled to transportation impact fee credits for Road C improvement costs. North of Alberts LUP
Development Review Committees Recommendation November 21, The Development Review Committee upheld the Road Agreement Committees decision that Road C is not an impact fee eligible road and deny use of impact fee credits for Road C based on Section 23-95(a)(4) of the County Code. November 21, The Development Review Committee upheld the Road Agreement Committees decision that Road C is not an impact fee eligible road and deny use of impact fee credits for Road C based on Section 23-95(a)(4) of the County Code. North of Alberts LUP
Action Requested Uphold the decision of the County Engineer to deny the Impact Fee eligibility for the proposed APF Road C. Uphold the decision of the County Engineer to deny the Impact Fee eligibility for the proposed APF Road C. If the BCC overturns the DRC decision, the APF agreement for North of Alberts will return to the DRC for modification and a separate Road Agreement may need to be prepared through the RAC. If the BCC overturns the DRC decision, the APF agreement for North of Alberts will return to the DRC for modification and a separate Road Agreement may need to be prepared through the RAC. North of Alberts LUP