All of the pucks feel a force to the right. A. True B. False All but the last 2 questions are adapted from Perkins’ homework for a PHYS1010 lecture on electric charges from CU Boulder. The assignment can be downloaded from the PhET Teaching Ideas pages. A true All of the pucks feel a force to the right. A. True B. False
B false The only difference between C) and D) is two extra minus charges to the right of the puck. Since the puck has a minus charge, it will be repelled from these extra charges, and will feel less force to the right in C than in D. The puck in C feels a greater force to the right than the puck in D. A. True B. False
A true Both E) and B) have the same charges nailed down and on the puck. But in E) the nailed-down charges are half as far away as in B). Since the force is proportional to 1/r^2, this means that the force will be (1/2)^2=1/4 times as large in B as in E. (this is exactly the same problem as #1 part d ii). The puck in E feels a force to the right that is four times greater than that felt by the puck in B. A. True B. False
The net force on the puck in A is zero. A. True B. False B The negatively charged puck is repelled from the minus charges to its left, making for a force to the right, and attracted to the plus charges on its right, making for another force to the right. Two rightward forces add to give a rightward net force, not zero. The net force on the puck in A is zero. A. True B. False
For which of these choices is puck most likely not to move? - A B C A
Answer A Look at forces from each charge and add them up - A Color-code force from each charge.
If we put bunch of electrons in a box. They will a. clump together. b. spread out uniformly across box. c. make a layer on walls. d. do something else. b
Which one would help explain why a charged balloon sticks to a wall. C A negatively charged balloon sticks to the wall because the wall's negative charges are farther away than the wall's positive charges, making for a net attraction.
Which arrow best represents the direction of acceleration of the puck as it passes by the wall ? + + C -- The positively charged puck is repelled from both of the positive charges near it in the picture. The charge to its left will push the puck to the right and up while the charge on its right will push the charge left and up. Since the puck's position is halfway between the two charges horizontally and a little higher than both vertically, the right- and leftward forces on the puck will cancel each other, while the two upward forces will reinforce each other. + +
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