Why did the Second Boer War begin? C/D aim – to be able to explain why the second Boer War began B/A aim – to be able to weight the different factors why the second Boer War began What problems did the British face in South Africa? How significant was Rhodes in the development of these problems? How could they solve these problems? What factors other than Rhodes were there in the build up to the second Boer War? Read over the last part you completed of your lesson yesterday and add to your answers.
What were the causes of the war? Britain became involved in this and by the end of the 19 th century she had outstripped the other nations. Britains dream was to have a line of unbroken territory that ran from the north to the south of Africa. In the 1870s there had been a move by the major European powers to colonise Africa. Known as the Scramble For Africa.
There were two small, independent countries that stopped Britain having an unbroken line Orange Free State Transvaal
Why did the Second Boer War begin? C/D aim – to be able to explain why the second Boer War began B/A aim – to be able to weight the different factors why the second Boer War began Read your hand out and answer... 1.What happened to Rhodes as a result of the Jameson raid? Why did this happen? 2.What was Chamberlains influence on the Transvaal? 3.What was Lord Selbourne and Milners influence? 4.Why did war eventually break out? TzZ_v_LxhTs 7 mins 30 s Chamberlain vs. Milner in the Second Boer War – negotiation table – in chapter.
Why did the Second Boer War begin? C/D aim – to be able to explain why the second Boer War began B/A aim – to be able to weight the different factors why the second Boer War began How would you weight your cake for why the Boer War began? Homework – read your photocopied chapter and make notes of the key events of the second Boer War. This is in preparation for Mondays lesson. What key factors were there?