In 1999, 1 130 questionnaires have been sent to a sample of equestrian centres and 325 (29%) were returned and analysed. 24% of the centres are associations.


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Presentation transcript:

In 1999, questionnaires have been sent to a sample of equestrian centres and 325 (29%) were returned and analysed. 24% of the centres are associations « loi 1901 ». The average of members is 102. The average of horses owned by the centre is 17 more 7 horses boarding with the centre. ECONOMICAL NOTE Employment in the equestrian centres Distribution of the different jobs The different jobs of the labour force are distributed among animation and accompaniment (35%), maintenance (33%) and teaching (33%). Administrative job are still quite uncommon (6%). Globally, there are as many men as women (53% of the labour force are men) but we can note a different distribution concerning the job done. Animation and accompaniment are mostly women’s jobs (82% of women), whereas the stable men are mostly men (61%). The teachers are both men and women. Population pyramid More than a third (38%) of the labour force is less than 25 years old, especially the ones whose job is linked to animation or accompaniment. 64% of the centres are employing wage earners. Among these ones 25% with only 1 wage earner and only 7% with more than 6 wage earners. Observatoire économique et social du cheval (OESC) Haras national du Lion d’Angers Domaine de l’Isle Briand Le Lion d ’Angers   All the labour force have been considered, that means both wage and non-wage earners. Only student in working period and unpaid people have been removed. Quantity of wage earners In equestrian centres 6% 33% 26% 35% Administrative job Maintenance Teaching Animation, accompaniment Feminisation rate Characteristics of the centres 1 wage earner 25% 2 wage earners 15% 3 to 5 Wage earners 17% 6 wage earners and more 7% Non wage earner 36% Age of the labour force in relation with their job in equestrian centres Labour force’s gender in relation with their job in the equestrian centres ADMINISTRATIVEMAINTENANCETEACHING ANIMATION AND ACOMPANIEMENT Labour force MenWomen

Services proposed by the centres Synthesis of employment in equestrian centres in % of the centres have others activities (breeding, horse business…). We can differentiate the centres by the fact to give or not give riding lessons. 70% are doing it whereas 30% don’t. Finally, 9% of the centres have a seasonal activity. Work contracts 55% of the work contracts are fixed-term contracts and 67% are full-time job contracts. In France, the average rate of fixed-term contracts is 10% and full-time jobs represent 77% of the contracts. (source : INSEE, 1999). Equestrian centres usually use apprenticeship contracts and social contracts. Indeed, these kind of contracts represent 49% of the fixed-term contracts in equestrian centres compared to 34% at a national level. (source : INSEE, 1999) We can note a relation between the quantity of members and the quantity of employees in the equestrian centres. 100 riders are generating 3,5 jobs. Characteristics of the centres who don’t propose riding lessons. Characteristics of the centres who Propose riding lessons -are employing more labour force (4 employees : 3,1 wage et 0,9 non-wage earners, -represent more than 85% of the labour force and more than 91% of the wage earners. -the members are more turned towards sport and competition on horses and ponies -are employing less labour force (1,7 employees:0,7 wage and 1 non-wage earner). -the members are more turn towards « tourism », - have another activity 2,9 jobs 2 wage earners 3,5 workmen for 100 riders jobs wage earners Distribution of the different fixed-term contracts (N=506, negatives answers have been ruled out) Distribution of part-time job contracts (N=242, negatives answers have been ruled out) 40% of the equestrian centres have a turnover between and euros. 12% have less than euros and 10% more than euros. Among the centres giving riding lessons, 12% have a turn over lower than euros. The ones which don’t give riding lessons are 47% in this situation. Per centre Turnover France : centres Fiche réalisée par : Les Haras nationaux - Direction du développement - Observatoire économique et social du cheval (OESC) -- Octobre 2002 Pour en savoir plus, s’adresser à l’OESC :   No answer 18% 45,7 to 91,5 18% 15,2 to 45,7 22% 7,6 to 15,2 10% Less than 7,6 12% More than 152,5 10% 91,5 to 152,5 10% Distribution of the centres in relation with their turnover ( x 1000 €)