Informal commands
Informal commands are used with people you would use the TÚ form with: your little sister your best friend your dog
They can only be given to one person at a time to tell that person what to do. Affirmative command: Do your homework. Negative command: Do not sleep in class.
Affirmative command: Shake! To make an affirmative command: 1. Conjugate in the TÚ form 2. Drop the –S
Affirmative command: Shake! To make an affirmative command: 1. Conjugate in the TÚ form 2. Drop the –S Hablar Comer Servir
Affirmative command: Shake! To make an affirmative command: 1. Conjugate in the TÚ form 2. Drop the –S HablarhablasHABLA ComercomesCOME Servir sirvesSIRVE
Affirmative command irregulars: decirDI hacerHAZ serSÉ irVÉ venirVEN tenerTEN ponerPON salirSAL
Negative command: Don’t bite! To make a negative command: 1. Conjugate in the YO form 2. Drop the –O 3. Switch it to the ‘opposite’ ending ARER/IR ases
Negative command: Don’t bite! To make a negative command: 1. Conjugate in the YO form 2. Drop the –O 3. Switch it to the ‘opposite’ ending ARER/IR esas
Negative command: Don’t bite! To make a negative command: 1. Conjugate in the YO form 2. Drop the –O 3. Switch it to the ‘opposite’ ending HablarhabloNO HABLES ComercomoNO COMAS ServirsirvoNO SIRVAS
Negative command: Don’t bite! Verbs that end in -car / -gar / -zar change in spelling: Buscar buscono buscesNO BUSQUES Llegarllegono llegesNO LLEGUES Almorzaralmuerzono almuerzesNO ALMUERCES
Negative command irregulars: serNO SEAS irNO VAYAS darNO DÉS estarNO ESTÉS saberNO SEPAS