Español IV - AMSCO Capítulo 3
What do these verbs have in common? Aparecer Conocer Nacer Obedecer Conducir Producir Traducir
End in –cer or – cir and a VOWEL precedes the c in the infinitive Aparecer Conocer Nacer Obedecer Conducir Producir Traducir
How would you pronounce these???? If you conjugate the verb incorrectly, the YO form would be… Conoco Naco Obedeco Conduco Produco Traduco
In order to pronounce them correctly, you need to change the YO form to - ZCO Conozco Nazco Obedezco Conduzco Produzco Traduzco
How are these –cer/cir verbs DIFFERENT??????? Vencer Convencer Ejercer
A CONSONANT precedes the “c” in the infinitive, so the YO ending is just ZO Venzo Convenzo Ejerzo The verbs HACER and DECIR are exceptions! Can you write those forms?
Digo Dices Dice Decimos Dicen Hago Haces Hace Hacemos Hacen
How do you pronounce these infinitives? Proteger Dirigir Coger Escoger Proteger Recoger Elegir
If I conjugate the YO form incorrectly…. Protego Dirigo Cogo eligo
In order to preserve the correct pronounciation, the YO form ends in -JO Protejo Dirijo Cojo elijo
How do you pronounce these verbs? Seguir Distinguir Perseguir
What “yo” form change do you think these have? Sigo Distingo Persigo