Anatomy of an Idol Isaiah 1:1-4, 2:8 An “idol” is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.
Anatomy of an Idol Idols in our Lives: Anything I LOVE more than God Isaiah 1:1-4 Idols in our Lives: Anything I LOVE more than God Anything I TRUST more than God Anything I SERVE more than God
Anatomy of an Idol #1 – Do not replace God with another Isaiah 1:1-4 #1 – Do not replace God with another god “no other gods before Me” #2 - Do not reduce God into another image “not make an idol in the form of anything…” If using your sermon summary, you will be really excited about how short this message is looking! Already on to the back side of the outline! Who Hoo!!! BAD NEWS….. we will actually slow down as you turn the page.
Anatomy of an Idol 1. WHY DO PEOPLE SEEK TO REDUCE GOD THRU IMAGES? Isaiah 1:1-4 1. WHY DO PEOPLE SEEK TO REDUCE GOD THRU IMAGES? A. Understandable motivation B. Ungodly motivation Romans 1:21 “For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but…exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.”
Anatomy of an Idol 2. HOW DO PEOPLE SEEK TO REDUCE GOD THRU IMAGES? Isaiah 1:1-4 2. HOW DO PEOPLE SEEK TO REDUCE GOD THRU IMAGES? A. By defining Him with limits Historic concept of “PAGANISM”… 1. Nature is the ultimate reality… the timeless constant 2. gods are a part of nature… 3. gods are beings of power, but limited power… 4. gods can be, manipulated, worked…
Greek gods and goddesses Anatomy of an Idol Isaiah 1:1-4 Examples of “Paganism” Greek gods and goddesses Roman gods Native Americans NON – PAGAN RELIGIONS… Judaism * Christianity * Islam
Anatomy of an Idol Isaiah 1:1-4 Pagan = “rustic”… People outside the cities who still associated worship with gods who were a part of nature. Today…
Anatomy of an Idol B. By attempting to control His actions Isaiah 1:1-4 B. By attempting to control His actions Worshipping God without Reductions/Images… 1. I accept God as He is 2. I praise God in all things 3. I allow God complete Lordship over my life Conclusion