January 2011
3 different ways after 3 e 3 types of A-level: 3 ways of studying e
SECONDE PRO Seconde professionnelle T R O I S I E M E SECONDE GT Seconde générale & technologique 1 e PRO TERMINALE PRO CAP 1 CAP GENERAL A-level TECHNOLOGICAL A-level PROFESSIONAL A-level C.A.P. Vocational training qualification 2 nde spécifique 1 e GENERALE 1 e TECHNO ou BT TERMINALE GENERALE TERMINALE TECHNO ou BT To become TECHNICIEN 1 e 2 year course 3 year course
S E C O N D E G T 2 nde spécifique SECONDE PRO CAP1 GENERAL A-level GENERAL A-level TECHNO A-level PRO A-level CAP2 Long studies A-level + 5 years Short studies A-level + 2/3 years Immediate start in the working force
Theoretical and academic teaching think / analyse / synthetise argue / compose Personal investment GENERAL WAY GENERAL A-level analyse comment argue compose
TECHNOLOGICAL WAY TECHNOLOGICAL A-level applied teaching > observation > experimentation group and personal works lab works (T.P.) en laboratory, computer room, workshop... Compare general way and technological way to make the right decision
Professional teaching General and technological teaching grounded on professional teaching Lab works/ work experience Qualification Savoir-faire Qualification Savoir-faire PROFESSIONAL A-level Professional gestures 22 weeks work experience PROFESSIONAL WAY
F(x 2 )+xy 2 xy+F(y 2 )
F(x 2 )+xy 2 xy+F(y 2 )
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