The Book of Ephesians Be Strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might.


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Presentation transcript:

The Book of Ephesians Be Strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might

The Epistle to the Ephesians

Who Wrote the Book of Ephesians and when? Who Wrote the Book of Ephesians and when?

The Apostle Paul in about 62 A.D. Eph. 1:1 It was delivered by Tychicus about 62 A.D. The Apostle Paul in about 62 A.D. Eph. 1:1 It was delivered by Tychicus about 62 A.D. Where was it written? Where was it written?

While Paul was a prisoner in Rome. While Paul was a prisoner in Rome. Why? Why?

After Paul wrote the Colossians a letter concerning the Colossian heresy, he then decided to write Ephesians as a follow up letter while the thoughts were still fresh in his mind. Paul wanted to spell out the fact that Christ is the head of the church and as Christians we are members of his body. Also that believers enjoy an intimate relationship with him and thus have a unique relation with one another. After Paul wrote the Colossians a letter concerning the Colossian heresy, he then decided to write Ephesians as a follow up letter while the thoughts were still fresh in his mind. Paul wanted to spell out the fact that Christ is the head of the church and as Christians we are members of his body. Also that believers enjoy an intimate relationship with him and thus have a unique relation with one another. Destination? Destination?

It is believed to be an encyclical or circular letter. It was not sent to just one church but many churches of Asia Minor. It is believed to be an encyclical or circular letter. It was not sent to just one church but many churches of Asia Minor. This is based on four arguments: This is based on four arguments: 1. In some of the oldest Greek manuscripts the words Ephesus are omitted. Perhaps a space was originally left vacant so each church upon reading the epistle in its public worship services could fill in its own geographical locale. 1. In some of the oldest Greek manuscripts the words Ephesus are omitted. Perhaps a space was originally left vacant so each church upon reading the epistle in its public worship services could fill in its own geographical locale.

2. There are no personal references as would be expected if went to only one church. 2. There are no personal references as would be expected if went to only one church. 3. In 3:2 the language implies that not all the readers knew its writer personally but at least heard of him. 3. In 3:2 the language implies that not all the readers knew its writer personally but at least heard of him. 4. The epistle addresses itself to no specific problem such as a particular church might have; it speaks only of general problems that believers everywhere have in common. 4. The epistle addresses itself to no specific problem such as a particular church might have; it speaks only of general problems that believers everywhere have in common. Purpose? Purpose?

Paul seeks to present the church as members of Jesus body, possessing the closest relationship with him and each other. Paul seeks to present the church as members of Jesus body, possessing the closest relationship with him and each other.

Theme? Theme? A twin theme runs through the letter. A twin theme runs through the letter. First: Believers compose the body of Christ. First: Believers compose the body of Christ. Second: Both Jewish and Gentile believers share the same common ground of grace. Jesus has made the Jewish and Gentile believers into one new man {2:15}. Second: Both Jewish and Gentile believers share the same common ground of grace. Jesus has made the Jewish and Gentile believers into one new man {2:15}.

The city of Ephesus is located halfway up the western coast of Asia Minor. Pergamum was the capitol of the province of Asia but Ephesus was the most important city. The city of Ephesus is located halfway up the western coast of Asia Minor. Pergamum was the capitol of the province of Asia but Ephesus was the most important city. Ephesus was an impressive city with about 300,000 people. Ephesus was an impressive city with about 300,000 people. Ephesus was also home of the of the fertility goddess, Diana. The temple of Diana was known as on of the seven great wonders of the world. Ephesus was also home of the of the fertility goddess, Diana. The temple of Diana was known as on of the seven great wonders of the world.

During New testament times the city of Ephesus experienced economic decline as its harbor began to silt itself shut. Today the city of Ephesus lies in ruins. During New testament times the city of Ephesus experienced economic decline as its harbor began to silt itself shut. Today the city of Ephesus lies in ruins.

I. Greeting: Eph. 1: 1-2 I. Greeting: Eph. 1: 1-2

II. Doctrinal: The Churches Wealth in Christ. II. Doctrinal: The Churches Wealth in Christ. A. Praise for spiritual blessings. 1: A. Praise for spiritual blessings. 1: B. Prayer for understanding these blessings. 1: V-18 B. Prayer for understanding these blessings. 1: V-18 C. Grace and faith. 2: V-8 C. Grace and faith. 2: V-8 D. The unity of believers. 2: 11-22v14&15 D. The unity of believers. 2: 11-22v14&15

E. Revealing the divine mystery about the spirit. 3: 1-13 v3-5 E. Revealing the divine mystery about the spirit. 3: 1-13 v3-5 F. Prayer for inner growth. 3: F. Prayer for inner growth. 3: v16-18 v16-18

III. Practical: The churchs walk in Christ. III. Practical: The churchs walk in Christ. A. The unity and growth of the Spirit. A. The unity and growth of the Spirit. 4: v4-6 4: v4-6 B. The conduct and character of the church. 4: v14-16, B. The conduct and character of the church. 4: v14-16, C. The ways of the believer. 5: 1-21 C. The ways of the believer. 5: 1-21 v v.14-15

D. Relationship of believers to one another. 5: 22 – 6:9. D. Relationship of believers to one another. 5: 22 – 6:9. 1. Wives and husbands. V Wives and husbands. V Children and Parents. V6: Children and Parents. V6: Servants and masters. V6: Servants and masters. V6:5-9 E. Relationship of Christians to the devil. E. Relationship of Christians to the devil. 6: v : v10-13.

IV. The conclusion. 6: IV. The conclusion. 6: 21-24