The Age of Jackson
Pat Points… What was the path to the Presidency? Of the first 5 Presidents…what states were they from & what were their jobs prior to President? What was the path to the Presidency? Of the first 5 Presidents…what states were they from & what were their jobs prior to President? Washington Washington Adams Adams Jefferson Jefferson Madison Madison Monroe Monroe
The Election of 1824 King Caucus William Crawford End of the Virginia Dynasty Determining a candidate John Quincy Adams (MA) Henry Clay (KY) Andrew Jackson (TN) John C. Calhoun Utilizing the 12 th Amendment Stephen Van Rensselier A corrupt bargain Henry Clay (Sec. of State)
The Presidency of John Quincy Adams
A new political party/system emerges Democratic-Republicans Natural aristocracy Natural aristocracy The common man Liberal western voting laws Dorrs rebellion
More political movements The Workies Frances Wright Anti-Masonic Party William Morgan William Wirt National party convention
The abduction and murder of William Morgan
Morgans Monument
William Wirt
The Election of 1828 Mud slinging Democratic Republicans v National Republicans Popular participation
The Presidency of Andrew Jackson Laissez-faire govt Jacksonian attitudes and ideals Spoils system Internal Improvements Maysville Road Veto
Indian removal Rebellion Sac and Fox Seminoles Cherokees and the Courts Worcester v Georgia Trail of Tears Creeks Chief William McIntosh
Trail of Tears
Map of the route to Indian Territory
Chief William McIntosh
McIntosh Home in Whitesburg, GA
States Rights Tariff of Abomination VP John C. Calhoun The South Carolina Exposition and Protest Tariff of 1832 Principle of nullification Force bill Force bill Compromise tariff