INTRODUCTION It in general is named “specialized” compared to the prevention, because she addresses herself to specific categories of young people, with social groups particularly threatened by the phenomena of desocialisation, precariousness, marginalisation and exclusion.
DEFINITION OF PREVENTION SPECIALISEE “It is a specific form of promotional social action and educational work specialized, popular education, social development and Community. It is named “specialized” compared to the general Prevention because she addresses herself to specific categories of populations, social groups particularly threatened and not to the unit of the inhabitants of geographical area” National charter of Objectives CNALPS - July 4th, 1992
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK The decree of July 4th, 1972 and the law of June 30th, 1975 on the social institutions determine the Specialized prevention action. The law of June 30th, 1975 on the social institutions (modified by the law of January 6th, 1986) The law of January 2nd, 2002 reforms the social action and reinforces the right of the users Laws of March 5th, 2007: Childhood welfare and Prevention of the Delinquency
ETHICAL One of the aim of the Specialized Prevention is to create or recreate social link with a population which did not know to find answer in what is proposed by the traditional institutions. The approach of “going towards the young person in his environment” leads the social worker of prevention to enter in relationship of trust before starting an educational relation.
AN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE SINGULAR To conclude the whole of its missions, the Specialized Prevention needs a team of qualified professionals. Team work A.L.S.E.S. (Social Worker Connection in School environment) The S.A.E.P. (Service of Reception and Psychological listening)
SOCIAL PRESENCE AND WORK OF STREET The social presence by the work of street constitutes one of the most effective means of the actions to decipher the requests which are not always expressed clearly.
METHODS OF INTERVENTIONS AND MODE OF APPROACHES Methods of intervention: Social presence Social accompaniment and educational person Educational and social animation Institutional action and partnership Specifics methods of intervention Mode of action: Work of street Individual discussion with young person Individual and collective project Meeting and assessment with the partners Insertion by the economic Psychological accompaniment
PUBLIC The Specialized Prevention is addressed to young people in difficulty resulting from districts “underprivileged” old from 12 to 25 years, boys and girls. The action takes into account the young person and also his home environment and social. The young person The group The family
FIELDS Of INTERVENTION The Specialized Prevention endeavours to practice the orientation towards the structures of common right. The objective of the Specialized Prevention is not the substitution for qualified organizations or devices, but because those which trust him are not always able to going towards the others.
PLACES Of INTERVENTION Districts, Streets Schools, Coffees, Shelters bus, cellar of building, Markets, Spaces where the young people are.
PROBLEMS Déscolarisation, Unemployment Young people in wandering, Without housing, squatt, Health, Mental health, Drug-addiction, Leaving prison, Young people in psychological suffering, Administrative problems.
INTER INSTITUTIONNALITE OR PARTNERSHIP The Partnership: associating system of managements and labor or economic The mission aiming, like the recall the law of January 6th, 1986, “to prevent the marginalisation and to facilitate the insertion or the social advancement of the young people and the families”, it is not possible for the social worker to only act. Federator topics: common values, Coherence, Mutualisation, Information, Trust, Shared interest.
TO SENSITIZE THE PARTNERS: TO ALLOW THE COMPREHENSION OF THE OPERATING PROCESSES OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE : Young people not attending or little the equipment and the services which were set up for them, Young people that the programs resulting from the transverse policies do not manage to deal with, People particularly threatened by a pathogenic medium, delinquency, the use of drugs, Cooperation with other structures: To mobilize energies of the district, To support the integration of the young people in an social environment and economic favourable, To break with the phenomena of violence, idleness.
AN EXAMPLE OF PARTNERSHIP: service of Reception and Psychological Listening Service of Psychological reception of listening, action of proximity in the street, permanencies, maintain a basic service, near young people in psychological suffering, outward journey towards the public, to accommodate, listen, accompany towards the qualified devices. The action of the psychologist of street is in bond with the social worker and the various partners. What founds a partnership, these are the objectives that one wants to achieve together, and the way in which each one puts its competences suitable for the service of the common objective.
CONCLUSION Specialized Prevention: An action of proximity and an asset: For its knowledge of the territory and the young public, For its knowledge to make and its competence, For its flexibility and its capacity to be adapted, The Partnership: A real collective dynamics, An effective presence within the networks, Shared diagnoses and stakes.
REFER BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Specialized Prevention “a committed step” the Technical Council of the clubs and Teams of Specialized Prevention Reference frame of the service of Specialized Prevention the Buoy of the Young people, 2005 CNALPS: National council of Connection of Associations of Specialized Prevention DUBECHOT Patrick, LEGROS Michel, (under the responsibility of), 1996, Prevention Specialized today, Professional situations and competences, synthesis of a study of PROMOFAF carried out with the assistance of the CREDOC Assessment of activity SAEP, Bouée of the Young people, 2007