Teaching an old dog new tricks! Sandra Cunningham, IPC, CNS
Why? Do we have a problem? HQSC/Open for better care National surgical site infections – Hips and knees surveillance programme
How? Considerations: A framework to adopt – IHI model for improvement methodology Communication – who, how? Identifying and building a solid team! Mentorship
Quality Improvement structure…… Development of project plan Key stakeholders notified and expectations of all Key members to drive the project
Framework Driver diagram – aims/measures, primary and secondary drivers PDSA cycles - continuous DHB data set – vital for own reporting & auditing Self auditing – DHB reporting
Successes Team member selection Communication Touching base
Challenges Data collection Data input Data In – Data out! No rework!
How do we know that the changes we have made are an improvement and not just changes?
Results so far: Normal variation, not enough points yet but will continue to monitor.
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? you sure can……. She just needs trainer wheels for awhile!! Thank you, any questions?