María Josefa Santos
Technical issues like IPM, soil and plant knowledge conservation plans etc. Social, management to support crops which can start writing a conservation plan and finish applying successfully to the different programs including GAP.
Applied to 37 producers –10 attended all the workshop. –17 attended one or two sessions. –10 never attended.
Compare the performance of these different groups before, during, after the program in aspects like: Changes in agricultural practices to approach to a scheme of conservation of natural resources. Knowledge about different technical tools to guide and improve soil and plant conditions
Knowledge about insects pollination an also pest control. Ability to obtain a grant from different programs. Impact on marketing strategies, diversification of market options. Knowledge acquisition and socialization. Productivity increase.
How do you control the plagues of your crop? Do you apply the chemicals yourself? Do you pay someone to apply them? I don`t control plagues Does not know
Can you distinguish between a plague and a beneficial insect? Yes No
Who assisted you in distinguishing between plagues and beneficial insects? Learnt in training Did not answer
Are you familiarized with Federal Support Programs for farmers in your region? Yes No
Have you participated or tried to participate in any of the mentioned programs? Yes No
Was this work experience useful to run your farm? Yes No
Proposed sessions and activities How, when and who Session for decrypt an application formFill in an application form in a small group of producers Frank and/or Edwing assessors Critical outline about Programs ´ requirementsWhat is the first agency you have to reach? Requirements needed to enter each program Persons you have to reach Producers experience Small group Maybe we can start with Edwing´s document Records follow-up workshopOn the farm of a producer showing the record that they have and the ones they don’t have Label reading workshopLearn to locate the most important elements on a label, with practical session with different products for example, and different herbicide and/or pesticides etc. Table to show pesticides useSome things that might be considered are: commercial name, active substance dose price against which it applies, where, precautions and care Conservation plan as a way to document agriculture work To write a conservation plan implies A way to introduce the producers into a documentation process It’s also a way to realize about good and bad agricultural practices Prepare a brochure with conservation practices but specifically for blueberries With the agencies responsible, but also with the help of Hispanic or non- Hispanic producers who have implemented these practices
GAP training Include producers in training planning Last but not least