Notes le 8 mars FAIRE (to make, to do) je faisnous faisons tu faisvous faites il/elle/on faitils/elles font Faire is a very common verb in French. Faire is used in many expressions that take a different verb in English. Faire is used in many “idiomatic expressions”. These are expressions that are difficult to directly translate from one language to another.
Expressions using FAIRE: faire les courses – to go shopping (for food) faire la cuisine – to cook faire ses devoirs – to do one’s homework faire un pique-nique – to have a picnic faire de + school subject – to study
Des exemples: Ma mère adore faire la cuisine. (My mother loves to cook.) Quand est-ce que tu vas faire tes devoirs? (When are you going to do your homework?) Les élèves font du français maintenant. (The students are studying French now.) Raphaël fait de la biologie. Martin fait des maths. (Raphael is studying biology. Martin is studying math.)
Making questions using est-ce que: We can make a question by placing the expression est-ce que at the beginning of a sentence. Est-ce que tu habites à Issaquah? (Do you live in Issaquah?) Est-ce que tu fais du français? (Do you study French?)
We can place a question word in front of est-ce que: Où est-ce que nous allons? (Where are we going?) Qu’est-ce que vous faites? (What are you guys doing?)