PERFECT TENSE Revision for the topic on holidays
First, how do we form the perfect tense? 3 words:3 words: the person (subject)the person (subject) “être” or “avoir” in the correct form“être” or “avoir” in the correct form the past participle (the main verb)the past participle (the main verb)
How do we form the past participle? We take the ending away and replace it with:We take the ending away and replace it with: Manger mangéManger mangé Finir finiFinir fini Attendre attenduAttendre attendu
Let’s have a look at “avoir” –er verbs that we will need for the topic “avoir” verbs“avoir” verbs ÉcouterÉcouter VisiterVisiter MangerManger AcheterAcheter RencontrerRencontrer AimerAimer What will be their past participle? Écouté Visité Mangé Acheté Rencontré Aimé
A bit of revision... How do you say...How do you say... I have?I have? J’aiJ’ai We have?We have? Nous avonsNous avons
So, how will you say... I ate We ate I met We met I visited We visited J’ai mangé Nous avons mangé J’ai rencontré Nous avons rencontré J’ai visité Nous avons visité
Now, the “être” verbs are a bit different as they will behave like adjectives: We will add an extra “e” for the feminine and a “s” for the plural:We will add an extra “e” for the feminine and a “s” for the plural: Marc will say “Je suis arrivé”Marc will say “Je suis arrivé” Sandra will say “Je suis arrivée”Sandra will say “Je suis arrivée” Marc and his brother will say “Nous sommes arrivés”Marc and his brother will say “Nous sommes arrivés” Sandra and her sister will say “Nous sommes arrivées”Sandra and her sister will say “Nous sommes arrivées” And finally...And finally... Sandra and Marc will say “Nous sommes arrivés”Sandra and Marc will say “Nous sommes arrivés”
So, how would you put these verbs in the perfect tense, with “je” and “nous”? RentrerRentrer ArriverArriver AllerAller Je suis rentré(e) Nous sommes rentré(e)s Je suis arrivé(e) Nous sommes arrivé(e)s Je suis allé(e) Nous sommes allé(e)s
On the same pattern, The –ir verbs will have their past participle in –i: Partir je suis parti(e) So, what will it be for “sortir”? Je suis sorti(e)
Some past participle are irregular: Faire fait Boire bu Voir vu Lire lu
Knowing these are “avoir verbs”, how do you say We didWe did I drankI drank I sawI saw We readWe read Nous avons fait J’ai bu J’ai vu J’ai lu