Produced by: University of Florida/IFAS Duval County Extension Office Jacksonville Bed Bug Task Force Presented by:
Non-profit organization IKE works to reduce environmental threats to children’s health
Lead poisoning prevention Air pollution and asthma triggers Pesticide exposure
What are bed bugs? ◦ Cimax lectularius ◦ Parasites ◦ Brown-Reddish Brown ◦ Oval-shaped and flat with hairs ◦ No wings ◦ Do not jump or fly but run fast ◦ Long piercing-sucking mouthpart ◦ Feed on blood ◦ Live near their hosts (people) 1)Bed bugs can’t be seen with the naked eye – False ( The adults are small (< ¼ inch) but can be seen.)
Bed Bug Life Cycle Lay about 3 eggs per day 5 Molts before they are adults Maturation takes about 4-9 weeks Lifespan can last months 2)Bed bugs can live for many months without feeding – True ( Bed bugs can live up to one year without a bloodmeal)
3)Bed bugs are not know to cause or spread disease - True Nuisance Sleepless nights Inflamed skin lesions Stained sheets and mattresses Psychological stress from infested environment
Home Movie Theatres Public Transportation School Buses Schools Day Cares and Neighborhood Centers Hotels Bed bugs are only found on the bed - False
Bed Bug Feeding Feed mainly at night, but will feed in daytime as well 10 mins, once a week Long proboscis to “suck” blood Bed bugs bite only at night - False Unfed adultFed adult H. Harlan © Unfed nymphFed nymph UF H. Harl an © Bed bug ventral head view
Some People are not affected by bed bug bites - True Not everyone reacts to bed bug bites Bites are usually in rows Do not transmit diseases Secondary infections can occur
Most people who show symptoms develop them after 10 days the first time they are bitten. If you have been bitten before then reactions may be immediate.
Quick movers ◦ Adults can crawl about 4 ft/minute ◦ Nymphs can crawl about 1 ft/minute 2½ minutes for an adult to make it from a TV stand to the pillow 10 minutes for a nymph Bed bugs cannot fly and will not jump from the floor to the bed. - True
Look for blood spots and staining Monitor for insect presence Odor
Only dirty cluttered homes get bed bugs – false If you have bed bugs you need to get rid of infested clothing and furniture – False
Discarded mattresses Used Furniture
Encasing a mattress and box spring will prevent future bed bug infestation in your home. - False
Placed under bed posts Monitoring device Bed needs to be pulled away from the wall After 2 weeks in an infested apartment.
Clothing and linens do not have to be washed first Down-filled items resist heat 1 hour on high heat Bed bugs die at 120 ° F after 1 minute of exposure
Thoroughly vacuum the carpet areas Dispose of vacuum bag In between uses place vacuum in heat or isolate in sealed bag
Use a steamer that reaches 115°-130°F. It will kill the eggs and nymphs and if you get a direct hit will kill the adults. But even if you don’t kill the adults at least the steam will flush them out of their hiding place. Then you can use a HEPA vacuum to scoop them up.
Bed Bugs in School Identify the insect Determine source Be discreet, inform parents Follow IPM Action Plan Educate
Educate School Administrators Parents Kids
Acknowledgment: Jacksonville Bed Bug Task Force Erin Harlow, University of Florida/IFAS-Duval County Dr. Phil Koehler, University of Florida/IFAS Dr. Roberto Pereira, University of Florida/IFAS Linda Prentice, Bug Out Services Dr. Rebecca Baldwin, University of Florida/IFAS Corrine McNeill, University of Florida/IFAS Jennifer Leggett, Lindsey Pest Services John Cooksey, McCall Service Wayne Walker, University of Florida/IFAS Margaret Huelsman and Indra Frank 1915 W. 18 th St. Indianapolis, IN