Synthesize and Create an Argument!


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Synthesize and Create an Argument! Sophomore English

True Synthesis… Taking a little of this and a little of that and creating something new! Like a recipe…sugar, flour, eggs, milk, butter= cookies! You wouldn’t want a bite of cookie to be flour, a section eggs, a section milk…yuck.

Still confused? Look at the word… What is a THESIS? Your statement to be proved-- your argument. “Syn”? It’s a Latin root—means “put together”

So… In a synthesis essay you are creating an argument (thesis) by putting together different sources.

How do we synthesize? 1. Identify common key points, ideas, or claims across multiple sources (print, audio, visual) 2. Establish a NEW argument based on the claims presented in the sources. a. Should be a central idea b. Should take a position c. Position should be clear in thesis 3. Make sure the common ideas support your new claim. 4. Organize specific material from those sources according to the big ideas that support your new claim.

Source Source Source Source Claim Claim Claim New Thesis/ Argument 1st 2nd Claim Claim Claim New Thesis/ Argument 3rd

What are WE synthesizing? You will be synthesizing the sources we have used to analyze technology and the media Article: Teen, Tween media use rising 10 minute PBS video on technology affecting teenagers brains Article: Modern Technology is changing the way our brains work 60 minute video: Growing Up Online (secondary sources): survey, poem

Assignment (The Big Picture) Establish a thesis that captures a NEW idea Fully PLAN a synthesis essay through a visual organizer You will choose at least two of the four sources and write ONE body paragraph. Accurately present source information AND cite correctly (MLA format)

Synthesis Must-haves: A thesis statement that clearly takes a position Key ideas/claims that represent MOST of your sources Two or more different sources CITED in each paragraph (one direct quote, one paraphrase/summary)

Establishing an EFFECTIVE thesis… expresses the central conclusion of your research findings and is the controlling idea of your essay; in essence, it states what you are trying to prove.

Establishing an EFFECTIVE thesis… A good thesis statement will make a claim. Develop an interesting perspective that you can support and defend. This perspective must be more than an observation. “America is violent” is an observation. “Americans are violent because they are fearful” is an argument. Why? Because it states an opinion. It makes a claim.

Establishing an EFFECTIVE thesis… A good thesis statement will control the entire argument. Your thesis sentence determines what you are required to say in a paper. It also determines what you cannot say. Every paragraph in your paper exists in order to support your thesis.

Example EFFECTIVE thesis statements… (Controlling ideas) Teenagers are wired to multi-task, which should prompt American schools to reform the public school structure. Exposure to multiple technologies is preparing young adults to better manage their lives. Technology is detrimental to face-to-face communication. Though multi-tasking is a necessary skill, technology is hindering teens from doing any one thing, well.

Your turn! Based on your conclusions from all sources, create an EFFECTIVE thesis statement that: Takes a position Can be supported by many key claims made in the above sources Is CLEARLY communicated in ONE sentence. Is grammatically correct

Now you can think about writing… Establish your thesis Double-check to make sure the big ideas from your sources directly support this argument Understand the structure of a synthesis paragraph…

How do I set up my synthesis paragraph? Topic Sentence: write your topic sentence based on what you can prove using most sources. Point #1/Reason #1 Support from Source(s) Relevancy statement… (analysis) “So what?” Transition Sentence Point #2/Reason #2 Relevancy statement… (analysis) “So what?” Analysis of the Topic Sentence… “So what?” Concluding Sentence

Writing Tips: Take a position…don’t ride the fence. Work in steps…PLAN! Use a variety of citations—direct quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing ALWAYS cite (give credit to) your sources. Remember that synthesizing is like a “dinner party” Don’t forget the “So what” factors—they’re the meat of the argument and represent YOUR thoughts.

Synthesis Check-in On the back of your notes, tell me: What is the purpose of synthesis in writing?

An Example Synthesis PARAGRAPH Miley Cyrus Example TErA TEA is BASIC writing foundation…what makes it more advanced is the “r” and the “A”—YOUR words and thoughts on the issue…Connections that YOU see between these sources. The “E” alone is just summary…you have to show us why we should care about that summary. Synthesis Identification Activity

Using an synthesis paragraph… What is the author’s topic of the paragraph? What claims is he/she making about that topic? Based on your reading, which thesis statement is likely the argument of this “paper” if it were whole?