gvSIG: An “Open Source” Option for GIS Dr. Scott A. Samson Extension Professor Geosystems Research Institute Mississippi State University
Background Developed for the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Valencia (Spain) in 2004 through a collaboration of private sector and universities Provided as “open source” to expand GIS technology and foster a community of users and developers to promote the sharing of knowledge around gvSIG
Features Vector and raster support (40+ formats) Feature and attribute editing Suite of geoprocessing tools Topology and associated rules Cartographic layout Remote service access (WMS, WFS, WCS) Graphic modeling environment Scripting through Jython
System Requirements Pentium III / 256MB RAM (Pentium IV / 512 MB RAM recommended) Operating Systems – Windows (2000,XP, Vista, 7) – Macintosh (OS X ) – Linux (Unbuntu 6.6, 9.10 & 10.4 tested)
Layout Constructor
Sextante Developed in 2004 for regional foresters under auspices of the government of Extremadura (Spain) Stand-alone JAVA library of spatial analysis tools Complete integration with gvSIG
Network Analysis
3D Extension
gvSIG Mobile Vector (SHP, KML & GML) and attribute editing ECW, JPG, PNG, GIF GPS compatible Query and selection Access to remote services via WMS Windows Mobile 5 & 6
gvSIG Project gvSIG OA Digital Edition