Presented by Joya Dillard Program Coordinator, Multicultural, Gender and Women’s Center
Definition of an Advisor Responsibilities of an Advisor to student organization and Individual Group Members Building a relationship with an Advisor Expectation and Leadership Development How to keep the Advisor Involved Points to Remember
An advisor is a counselor, supervisor, educator, and mentor that gives ideas, shares insight, provides different perspective, and counsels. 1.To help with the growth and development of students 2.To assist in the area of program content and purpose 3.Provide Support
An Advisor takes an active role, rendering advice and counsel as circumstances dictate. They should assist the organization in developing realistic goals for the academic year. They should be aware of the institutional policies, and update the organization as to why they exist, and the channels to be followed for changes, revisions, or exceptions to the policies. Should be familiar with the organizations history and Constitution and Bylaws.
An Advisor helps students find a balance between their academics and co-curricular activities. They encourage students to accept responsibility for their specific roles in the organization. The Advisor helps them understand and feel invested in and accountable for their specific role.
Communication Exchange preferred way of contact as well as emergency contacts Texting: When is the best time am/pm Phone: Office or Cell Some social media such as facebook
Make time to meet with the advisor in an informal setting 1.Meet over Coffee 2.Have Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner in the Café Decide on weekly, or monthly meetings
During the informal meeting set up or discuss expectations of the advisor and organization officers. Create a document that outlines the roles, responsibility and expectation of advisor and officers to ensure that all understand what they should be doing.
Discuss all needed forms for the year: 1.Advisor agreement form 2.Financial Paperwork 3.Reserving Space on Campus 4.Authorized signature 5.Trip and Travel forms Update Orgsync page with new advisor information. Make sure advisor is a member of your page
Officers are elected or appointed to positions to ensure the organization success. Each position has different roles. 1.Event Planning 2.Operating meetings 3.Fundraising 4.Budget or Finance 5.Promotion of meetings 6.Community Service
After initial meeting, be sure that the expectations of an advisor and officers include all things necessary for the organization to operate. Make sure that everyone is on the same page and cross train the officers just in case someone cannot fulfill their duties.
Depending on what type of organization or club you have, you can decide how much the advisor will be involved with the organization throughout the year 1.Every club meeting 2.Every exec meeting 3.Once a month 4.Event Planning and Management 5.Budget and Finance Meetings
Communication Advisors should be updated weekly on events, progress, attendance and issues 1.One on one meetings 2. Make sure your Advisor has a copy of your minutes.
Executive Boards should meet with the Advisor at least once a month depending on the type of the organization which may need to meet once a week. 1.Can be before or after the meeting
Why you should keep the Advisor informed To make sure that both sides are informed on the entire organization To ensure proper financial operations Overall effective organizational operations Help revamp old programs Get new ideas for new projects
The Advisor should be kept abreast of everything that the organization is doing or planning to do. This includes events, financial transactions, meetings etc. The Advisor is here to advise not run the organization The Advisor/Organization relationship is crucial to the organizations success. An Advisor brings a lot of life experience and you can learn a lot, just give them a chance.
Joya Dillard Multicultural, Gender and Women’s Center