An Update for 2015-2020. What Is Greater Dartmoor LEAF? A Local Action Group composed of dedicated volunteers Representing the local community Responsible.


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Presentation transcript:

An Update for

What Is Greater Dartmoor LEAF? A Local Action Group composed of dedicated volunteers Representing the local community Responsible for drawing down and distributing funding locally Supported by the DR Company and South Hams District Council

A Bit of History GD LEAF was set up in 2008 Delivered £2m of funding to the Greater Dartmoor area Funded over 100 local projects Created 59 jobs Supported over 500 businesses with funding/advice Provided free/subsidised training for over 750 people Attracted over 5,000 new tourists to the area Provided new/improved facilities in 28 communities

What Happens Next Sep 2014 Submitted new Local Development Strategy for Bid for £2m+ for Greater Dartmoor To support and enhance the rural economy and create jobs Nov 2014 Defra decide if funding should be granted *** New GD LEAF members welcomed Jan2015 First funding applications decided Projects get started *** The rest of this presentation assumes that we are successful in achieving funding for

Local Development Strategy

Objective A To support businesses to grow and prosper A1.Providing blended advice and support throughout business lifespan A2.Developing and enhancing premises A3.Addressing barriers to growth and enabling businesses to grasp new opportunities A4.Providing opportunities for young people A5.Maximising sustainable management and utilisation of farmland and woodland A6.Supporting succession planning A7. Modernising Farming and Forestry

Objective B To offer people in the uplands area equivalent opportunities to their lowland neighbours B1. Supporting diversification B2. Complementing skills development and apprenticeship schemes B3. Encouraging cooperative working

Objective C To strengthen key local sectors and capitalise on our natural resources C1.Building the food and drink sector C2.Deriving business benefit from the natural/cultural environment C3.Supporting local supply chains C4.Enhancing the tourism offer and increasing visitor spend

Objective D To support enterprising communities D1.Developing community enterprises D2.Improving accessibility (including transport solutions) D3.Benefitting from virtual infrastructure improvements D4.Supporting delivery of local plans

How Can You Get Involved? Join the volunteers on Greater Dartmoor LEAF Application packs available late in 2014 Training will be provided Submit a project idea Learn to appraise projects Take part in the latest business survey to help us focus our funding on what matters to you:

Contact Details Anne Sherman & Sophie Price, Programme Advisers Liz Abell, Programme Manager