Please pay workbook and PTO fees: $50 Read over information in the 1st day packet. Sign and return forms by Friday, August 23 rd. Fill out attendance & transportation form by door. Save the date: Open House-September 10 th We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Sarah Chrzanowski as our intern from the College of Charleston.
Please review the NEW car loop procedures. Check out the video on our school webpage. Enter Manchester Road for morning drop off. Leave car loop on Orange Branch Road. Please write bus # on transportation form by door. See Mrs. Harrison for After School sign up.
School begins at 7:35 am and dismisses at 2:35 pm. Need a book to read in the hallway before bell rings. Bring all school supplies and lunch money. Take home TRAVEL folder with 3As Days newsletter. Daily behavior will be inside homework agenda.
Completed packets are due by Friday, August 30th. Study +/- math facts for timed tests. Earn 90% or better on 100 problems in 6 minutes or less. Those students who turn in summer packets AND pass their timed test will get to go on a BOWLING FIELD TRIP!
Please take a minute to look at our new reading and math books that are located on top of your childs desk.
Boxtops for Education labels Campbells Soup labels Capri Sun drink pouches Pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Enjoy the City coupon books will go home soon. SAVE THE DATES: Silent Auction – March 29 th Spring Fling – April 26 th
Please go to my teacher website: