Erik van Mulligen Marco Roos Scott Marshall Maarten Hekkelmans Martijn Schuemie Ivo Fokkema Marc van Driel Barend Mons Nigam Shah Andrew Gibson Gerard Meijssen Yaron Koren Marc Weeber Christine Chicester Daniel Kinzler Ravi Kalaputapu Acknowledgements Antoine van Kampen Ruben Kok Gert Jan van Ommen Johan den Dunnen Bill Melton The ‘Virtual Tech Team’ Albert Mons Jan Velterop Jacintha van Beemen Geoffrey Bilder Mark Musen Carole Goble Frank van Harmelen Financial support Logistics and advise
TokenObject Concept ‘cancer’ Malignant Neoplasms Krebskrankheit Etc C0-265 Unique ID
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Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Barend Mons ‘published’ This article (DOI) CAPN3_ ‘has pathogenicity’LGMD2A Dystrophin (Homo Sapiens) ‘interacts with’SNT3 Calpain-3 (Homo Sapiens) ‘has GO annotation’Proteosome Endopeptidase activity
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