Directions The weather forecast. Geographical features
northsoutheastnortheast northwest westeastsouth southwest
Marmara Region Aegean Region Southeastern Anatolia Region Central Anatolia Region Eastern Anatolia Region Black Sea Region Mediterranean Region
Marmara Region
Black Sea Region
Eastern Anatolia Region
Southeastern Anatolia Region
Mediterranean Region
Aegean Region
Central Anatolia Region
Marmara Region Aegean Region Southeastern Anatolia Region Central Anatolia Region Eastern Anatolia Region Black Sea Region Meditterranean Region
Ankara is the capital city of Turkey.
There are 81 cities in Turkey How many cities are there in Turkey?
There are 7 regions in Turkey. How many regions are there in Turkey?
Where is Bursa? Bursa is in Marmara Region of Turkey. Bursa is in the northwest of Turkey.
Amasya is in Black Sea Region of Turkey. Where is Amasya? Amasya is in the north of Turkey.
Where is Van? Van is in Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Van is in the east of Turkey.
Where is Ankara? Ankara is in Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Ankara is in the middle of Turkey.
Where is Antalya? Antalya is in Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Antalya is in the south of Turkey.
Where is İzmir? İzmir is in Aegean Region of Turkey. İzmir is in the west of Turkey.
Where is Edirne? Edirne is in Marmara Region of Turkey. Edirne is in the northwest of Turkey.
Where is Konya? Konya is in Central Anatolia of Turkey. Konya is in the middle of Turkey.
There is alot of snow on this mountain. The weather is cold.
There are alot of trees around the lake. The weather is warm in winter.
There is a big bridge on the river. The weather is hot in summer.
There is a valley between two mountains. The weather is cool in this valley.
There is an island in the middle of the sea. The weather is rainy in summer.
Denizli isn’t near the sea. It is cloudy in winter.
The cow is eating grass on the plain.The weather is sunny and hot.
The clouds are over the plateau. The weather is windy.
What’s the weather like in……?