Italian 7 Final Exam Review Signorina Troullos
L’Imperativo How to form “tu” commands? -are verb ending –a “mangia!” -ere, -ire verb ending –i “leggi!” -isc- verb ending –isci “finisci!” How to form “noi” commands? -iamo How to form “voi” commands? -are -ate -ere -ete -ire, -isc- -ite How to form negative commands? Negative “tu” commands: DON’T form the verb! “Non parlare!” All other negative commands: form the verb!
Ordering What does the waiter/waitress say? What does the customer say? What are the courses of an Italian meal? What types of food are served at each course?
Volere, Potere, Dovere Meanings??? Volere: Potere: Dovere: Know forms!
I Negozi Dove compri… Il formaggio? I salumi? Il latte? Il gelato? I pantaloni?
Andare Know forms! Andare in… Barca Treno Macchina Aereo ….etc. Andare a… Piedi cavallo
Che tempo fa?
La Casa
I Verbi -are -ere -ire -isc-
Le Domande Che/che cosa? What Chi? Who Quando? When Dove? Where Perché? Why Come? How Quale? Which Quanto/a? How much Quanti/e? How many
In bocca al lupo!!!! Good luck!