A An The by Patricia Galien Make sure you are in slideshow view before you start this presentation. http://pjgalien.wordpress.com
Vocabulary What does singular mean? one What does plural mean? more than one Give some examples of articles. a / an / the What is a vowel? a, e, i, o, u What is a consonant? b, c, d, f, g, h,…
Vocabulary What does indefinite mean? An indefinite noun is a thing, but you do not know the thing. For example, I live in a white house. In this sentence house is indefinite. This means that I live in a house that is white, but you don’t know what house I am referring to. What does definite mean? Definite means that you know the noun. For example, I live in the White House. You know this house. It is definite. This means that I am the president!
Vocabulary What is a count noun? In English you can count some nouns, but other nouns cannot be counted. A count noun is a noun that you can count. For example: one chair, two chairs Chair is a count noun. What is a noncount noun? A noncount noun is a noun that you cannot count. For example: water, advice, air, information.
When do you use a or an? Use a/an before a singular count noun that is indefinite and begins with a consonant sound. a chair a fireplace Use an before a singular count noun that is indefinitie and begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sound. an interesting photo an honest man a unique painting (unique sounds like younique.)
Vocabulary What does puddle mean?
A or An? Use a/an before a singular count noun that is indefinite and begins with a consonant sound. Step 4: Is p a vowel sound or a consonant sound? Step 1: Puddle is a noun. Step 2: You can count puddle. 1 puddle 2 puddles Step 5: I stepped in a puddle. Step 3: How many puddles did you step in? Answer: one
Write a sentence. Step 1: Is apple a noun? Step 5: There is an apple in the tree. Step 2: Can you count apple? Step 3: How many apples are there? Step 4: Is a a a vowel sound or a consonant sound?
Vocabulary What is an adjective? Adjectives describe (modify) nouns. You can put an adjective between the article and the noun. a big house a little lamp a round table an interesting painting adjective
Practice Complete the sentences with a or an. a Example: He is ___ good father. an 1. You are ____ excellent student. a 2. Chicago is ____ unique city. a 3. Carter is ____ smart dog. an 4. He is ____ honest man. a 5. After MVCC, I will go to ____ university.
Introduce (the first time) a singular count noun with a or an. The first time you write about a singular count noun, it is indefinite. Use a / an. The next time you write about the same noun, it is definite. Use the. Introduce (the first time) a singular count noun with a or an. I live in an apartment building. When you refer to this noun again, use the. The building is seven floors high. indefinite article singular count noun singular count noun definite article
a / an / the Use the before a singular noun if there is only one. Example: I like to study in the library. This means the MVCC library. I like to study in a library. This means some library some where. Note: Do not use a or an before a proper noun. I like a Chicago. singular noun