An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security for Food Security Byron Anangwe 1, Erick Khamala 1, Tesfaye Korme 1, Hussein Farah 1 Francesco Holecz 2, Massimo Barbieri 2, Loris Copa 2 1 RCMRD, Kenya 2 sarmap, Switzerland
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Food Security – Still open questions Food Security – Still open questions How much, when, and where crop was / will be produced?How much, when, and where crop was / will be produced? ? In case of food shortage, how much food aid should be provided and where?In case of food shortage, how much food aid should be provided and where?
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of “The present (FAO terrestrial crop) survey is very labour intensive and entails a number of administrative, financial and technical problems. There is concern in the user community about the accuracy of the estimates. MoAFS of Malawi is committed in further improving the current system through the use of Earth Observation.” The way forward The way forward
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Global Monitoring for Food Security – Objectives Global Monitoring for Food Security – Objectives Aim of this ESA financed project is to contribute to the transparency of the agricultural production, i.e. to significantly reduce uncertainty by delivering, among others, reliable information onAim of this ESA financed project is to contribute to the transparency of the agricultural production, i.e. to significantly reduce uncertainty by delivering, among others, reliable information on crop growth during the crop season crop growth during the crop season cultivated area at start and during the crop season cultivated area at start and during the crop season by using Earth Observation data. A further key activity is the know-how transfer of this service to key African institutions, RCMRD in primis.A further key activity is the know-how transfer of this service to key African institutions, RCMRD in primis.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of How we map and monitor? Images are NOT influenced by the cloud cover, e.g. we see through the clouds. Images are NOT influenced by the cloud cover, e.g. we see through the clouds. Particularly important during the crop (raining) season Particularly important during the crop (raining) season Optical Optical Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Available and forthcoming spaceborne SAR systems Available and forthcoming spaceborne SAR systems ERS-1/2 SARESA / m JERS-1 SARJAXA m RADARSAT-1CSA & MDA m ENVISAT ASARESA m ALOS PALSAR-1JAXA m TerraSAR-X-1/2Germany2007/ m RADARSAT-2MDA m Cosmo-SkyMed-1/2/3/4ASI2007/08/ m RISAT-1ISA m Sentinel-1 A/BESA2012/1320 m SAOCOM-1 A/BCONAE2012/1310 m ALOS-2JAXA2012/ m COSMO-SkyMed-5/6/7/8ASI m
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of 7 years design life time Sentinel-1 A/B – Available starting from 2012/13 Global coverage every 6 days at a resolution of 20 meter Data Policy: FREE and OPEN
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Standard versus advanced products Multi-temporal ASAR Wide Swath o product Multi-temporal MODIS 16-days DMP Multi-temporal SPOT-VGT 10-days DMP Standard versus advanced products
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were IGARSS 2009
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of 120 ASAR scenes 120 ASAR scenes Sept-Oct-Nov © ENVISAT ASAR data ESA 120 ASAR scenes 120 ASAR scenes Oct-Dec-Jan © ENVISAT ASAR data ESA 120 ASAR scenes 120 ASAR scenes Jan-Feb-Mar © ENVISAT ASAR data ESA 100,000 sqkm at 15 meter resolution every three weeks Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of 70 PALSAR image pairs Nov-Jan ASAR-PALSAR-ASAR ASAR-PALSAR-ASAR Cultivated Extent (15 m) © ALOS PALSAR data JAXA < Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were Agricultural mapping and monitoring – Where we were 80% accuracy
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Goal To enhance the Cultivated Extent product to Cultivated Area. How By integrating in the existing service the use of very high (better than 10 meter) resolution SAR data and by combining multi-temporal SAR (optionally optical) data acquired at different key periods. What To provide a customized processing chain (FOODSECURITYscape) To provide a customized processing chain (FOODSECURITYscape ® ) Which can be operated even by no-SAR specialists; Whose products are fully compatible with known GIS environments, such as Where we go – FOODSECURITYscape ® Where we go – FOODSECURITYscape ®
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of FOODSECURITYscape ® – Supported sensors FOODSECURITYscape ® – Supported sensors ALOS PALSAR-1 Fine Beam8 m / 15 mL-band ENVISAT ASAR Image Mode15 m C-band Radarsat-2 Fine Beam10 mC-band Cosmo-SkyMed-1/2/3/4 ScanSAR15 mX-band TerraSAR-X-1/2 ScanSAR 15 mX-band Cosmo-SkyMed-1/2/3/4 StripMap3 mX-band Increase penetration into the vegetation Optionally: Landsat TM-530 m SPOT-4/520 m / 10 m Ikonos4 m QuickBird2.4 m
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of FOODSECURITYscape ® – The approach FOODSECURITYscape ® – The approach Multi-temporal ENVISAT ASAR or ALOS PALSAR-1 or Radarsat-2 or Single-date Landsat TM-5 or SPOT-4/5 Interferometric Cosmo- SkyMed StripMap or Ikonos or QuickBird Multi-temporal ENVISAT ASAR and/or ALOS PALSAR-1 and/or Cosmo-SkyMed SS and/or TerraSAR-X SS and/or Radarsat-2 Potential crop extent prior to the start of crop seasonPotCropExt once every n years Potential cultivated area at start of crop seasonPCA-SoS once every m years Crop growth extentCropGrowthExt every crop season Cultivated Area = PotCropExt PCA-SoS CropGrowthExt
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of FOODSECURITYscape ® – The software functionalities FOODSECURITYscape ® – The software functionalities Basic Processing It provides the generation of geometrically and radiometrically calibrated SAR and optical data. Following functionalities are available: SAR Intensity Automated generation of terrain geocoded and calibrated data for ENVISAT ASAR, ALOS PALSAR-1, Cosmo-SkyMed-1/2/3/4, TerraSAR-X-1/2 and Radarsat-2 data. SAR Coherence Automated generation of terrain geocoded coherence for Cosmo-SkyMed- 1/2/3/4 StripMap data. Optical Automated generation of calibrated reflectance for TM-5, SPOT-4/5, Ikonos, and QuickBird data.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of FOODSECURITYscape ® – The software functionalities FOODSECURITYscape ® – The software functionalities Crop Product It provides the generation of the following products: Potential Crop Extent (prior to the start of the crop season) - PotCropExt - is derived from multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR-1 acquired during the dry season. Optionally, ENVISAT ASAR, Radarsat-2, TM-5 and SPOT-4/5 can be used. Potential Cultivated Area at Start of Season - PCA-SOS - is derived from interferometric Cosmo-SkyMed-1/2/3/4 data acquired around planting time. Optionally, Ikonos and QuickBird data can be used. Crop Growth Extent - CropGrowthExt - is derived from multi-temporal SAR data acquired during the crop season from one or more sensors. Optical data are not considered, due to the persistent cloud coverage during this period. Cultivated Area - CuArea - is derived by combining the products PotCropExt, PCA-SOS, CropGrowthExt.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of FOODSECURITYscape ® – The interface FOODSECURITYscape ® – The interface
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Example Malawi 2010/11 – Data set Example Malawi 2010/11 – Data set Potential Crop Extent ALOS PALSAR-1 (15m) - July-Sept 2008,2009,2010 SPOT-4 (20m) - October 2010 Potential Cultivated Area at SOS Interferometric Cosmo-SkyMed StripMap (3m) December 2010
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Example Malawi 2010/11 – Data set Example Malawi 2010/11 – Data set Crop Growth Extent Multi-temporal ENVISAT ASAR (15m) October 2010-April 2011 Crop Growth Extent Multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR-1 (8m) October 2010-April 2011 Crop Growth Extent Multi-temporal Cosmo-SkyMed (3m) December 2010-February 2011
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Potential Crop Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Crop Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Bare soil extent during dry season based on multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR-1 data (15m)
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Potential Cultivated Area at SoS – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Cultivated Area at SoS – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Crop Area 1 Potential Crop Area 2 Potential Crop Area 3 Based on interferometric Cosmo-SkyMed StripMap data (3m) acquired in December 2010.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Potential Cultivated Area at SoS – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Cultivated Area at SoS – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Crop Area 1 Potential Crop Area 2 Potential Crop Area 3 including boundaries of ensemble of fields Based on interferometric Cosmo-SkyMed StripMap data (3m) acquired in December 2010.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Crop Growth Extent (15m) during the crop season based on multi-temporal - ENVISAT ASAR - ALOS PALSAR-1 - Cosmo-SkyMed
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 3 sensors 2 sensors 1 sensor Sensors occurrence
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Potential Crop Extent Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Crop Extent Crop Growth Extent – Malawi 2010/11 Crop Growth Extent after inclusion of Potential Crop Extent
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Cultivated Area – Malawi 2010/11 Cultivated Area – Malawi 2010/11 Potential Crop Area 1 Potential Crop Area 2 Potential Crop Area 3 Polygons in green areas represent the cultivated areas
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Next steps Next steps Validation of the products generated during the crop seasons 2010/11 in Malawi and 2011 in Kenya.Validation of the products generated during the crop seasons 2010/11 in Malawi and 2011 in Kenya. Capacity building of an RCMRD technician at sarmap premises during two months.Capacity building of an RCMRD technician at sarmap premises during two months. Capacity building of RCMRD technicians and RCMRD member states technicians at RCMRD premises.Capacity building of RCMRD technicians and RCMRD member states technicians at RCMRD premises. Improvements and extensions of FOODSECURITYscape ® based on users feedback and new sensors.Improvements and extensions of FOODSECURITYscape ® based on users feedback and new sensors. Installation of FOODSECURITYscape ® at RCMRD premises.Installation of FOODSECURITYscape ® at RCMRD premises.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Conclusions Conclusions The service is based on data redundancy and complementarity, hence enabling to obtain reliable products, generated in an almost fully automated way.The service is based on data redundancy and complementarity, hence enabling to obtain reliable products, generated in an almost fully automated way. While Potential Crop Extent and Potential Cultivated Area at start of crop season are both provided every n years (depending on the crop situation and evolution) – hence reducing the data amount and related data cost – the Crop Growth Extent product is exclusively intended for monitoring the on-going crop season.While Potential Crop Extent and Potential Cultivated Area at start of crop season are both provided every n years (depending on the crop situation and evolution) – hence reducing the data amount and related data cost – the Crop Growth Extent product is exclusively intended for monitoring the on-going crop season. Based on yearly data sets and corresponding products, Cultivated Area Changes can be generated. This functionality will be included in the next version of FOODSECURITYscape ®.Based on yearly data sets and corresponding products, Cultivated Area Changes can be generated. This functionality will be included in the next version of FOODSECURITYscape ®. FOODSECURITYscape ® will be upgraded to support Sentinel-1 A/B and Sentinel-2 as soon as data acquired by these sensors will be available. Note that the use of Sentinel-1 A/B data will enable a weekly monitoring of the crop growth.FOODSECURITYscape ® will be upgraded to support Sentinel-1 A/B and Sentinel-2 as soon as data acquired by these sensors will be available. Note that the use of Sentinel-1 A/B data will enable a weekly monitoring of the crop growth.
An innovative Earth Observation service for Food Security CODIST II – 2-5 May 2011 Partners of Thank you for your Attention