How the brain relates inputs to conclude in an output/outputs Mostafa M. Dini
Neural network nodes or the strain-marks Synapses would be strained in a location under stress, The strain happens in a specific point, based on the network of the connections deformation to maintain a new balance, The point is a strain-mark, which a node to create a new connection.
An input An input is a collection of information consisting of objects, behaviours and descriptions of the objects or behaviour details. A scene provides a background frame to provide the coordination of the objects and their moves connections.
Memory building In hippocampus the individual objects or object-behaviour connections will be mapped according to the strain-marks, The input will be sit over a set of neural networks as the memory, The part that each simple connection in the network represent by its configuration is a memory pixel.
Memory sites A new input finds its site for the minimum strain imposing. It means the repeating elements in the previous memory buildings will be carried by the same connections, Consequently, only the new elements are the source of stress on the location, The location with many shared objects and behaviours form a family memory, If the memory elements are in the level of the synapses, the family memories are in scale of fibers and tissues, The minor stresses in a family memory cause strains that are to be relieved during sleep, if they will not relieved during a sleep, an accumulation of those will approach to a level that the area reconfigure itself to maintain a new balance,
Emotions A memory family has an overstrain-mark indicated by an emotion, Developing of the emotions occur with the developing of the memory families, Emotions make a network over the frontal lobe as an emotions integrator or action operator.
Function speciality Strains of synapse deformations over the hippocampus have a connection links that will input into the cortex areas according the fiber connections between regions and areas, The inputs are spread for the sites of connections which are already there, The new connections are the source of stress over the cortex, The stresses if not relieved during a sleep period will deform the tissues and form a new function speciality site.
Action operators (Problem solving, Planning, decision making) The function speciality sites over the cortex sort the inputs for the familiar elements, The new elements are the source of stress to frontal lobe, The stress sources over the cortex will be inputted into the frontal lobe, The input stress elements will spread over the network of the action operators based on the similarity, The new elements as the source of the stress will be sent to motor outputs for expression or action.
Fibers connecting areas The stress inputting route by resonating between the different layers, regions and areas should be confirmed by the fiber mapping either exist at present or will be prepared in the Human Connectome Project.