5 May 2008 I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e TEAM TINKER OKLAHOMA CITY AIR LOGISTICS CENTER Tinker Aerospace Complex (TAC)
2 Overview GM Plant –3.8 M sqft of industrial/admin/storage space –430 Acres –Ceased operations in 2006
3 GM Plant
4 TAC Future If GM property is made available for AF use: Stand-up initial production shops (FY 09) –Software Maintenance (B3333, B2122) –Commodities Maintenance (B2101, B3705, B2121) –Propulsion Maintenance (RNT workload) Continue relocation efforts for next 5 – 10 years
5 Benefits Improve work environment Vacate and potentially demolish buildings –Airfield clear zone –Structurally deficient & energy inefficient Environmental bonus (land fill gas & noise contour) Capability to accept future workloads Reduce MILCON construction requirements
6 Facilities Impacted (69 Bldgs = 2.2M SF) CZ Clear Zone Deficient Ramp Space for New Mission …...
7 MILCONS Avoided ($M) Software Support$15 Sheet Metal Phase 1$37 Engine Test Cells Phases$76 Sheet Metal Phase 2$57 Corrosion Control $39 Aircraft Accessories$47 Electronic & Cable$15 Fabric Support$7 Oxygen Comp Support$15 Industrial Services$8 Building Replacement$65 Facility For New Engine Workload$82 Total (Base Year 06 Dollars) $463
8 Potential New Workload Joint Strike Fighter (Engine / Commodities) F117 C-17 Globemaster III Engine F119 F-22 Raptor Engine (Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance) AE3007 (Global Hawk Engine) AE2100 (C-130J Engine) KC-X (Aircraft / Engine)