Bread for beginners Raquel Casas Yaiza Gutiérrez Xavier Planas Laxmi Valls Group: Blue Seminari A
Bread for beginners Cycle/Age group:Cycle/Age group: For superior cycle, years. Timing: 4 lessons.Timing: 4 lessons. ·Task:Learn how to cook bread and its principal ingredients. ·Justification: Industrialization has permited people to access to basic goods as bread directly from the supermarket without having them to create beforehand. So we think it is necessary that children learn where and how the bread is elaborated.
Methodology: Our TU is based on CliL. Our TU is based on CliL. CliL offers opportunities to allow youngsters to use another language naturally, in such a way that they soon forget about the language and only focus on the learning topic. CliL offers opportunities to allow youngsters to use another language naturally, in such a way that they soon forget about the language and only focus on the learning topic. It refers to situations where the subjects or parts of the subjects are taught in a foreign language, as English. It refers to situations where the subjects or parts of the subjects are taught in a foreign language, as English. I has a double objective: the learning of content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language. I has a double objective: the learning of content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language.
Basic CompetencesObjectives Communicative, linguistic and audio- visual basic competence. 1. To understand and learn the linguistic structures and the vocabulary needed to communicate himself in the appropriate context. Information processing and digital basic competence. 2. To make use of ICT and to find the information which they are told. Thinking and communicate basic competence. 3. To find different and his own strategies to be able to express himself with the English language Basic competence of knowledge and interaction with the physical world. 4.To acquire the knowledge about the realization of the bread process. Learning to learn basic competence. 5. To make bread considering the previous learned knowledge. Basic competence of learning to live with others and dwell in the world. 6.To Cooperate with his classmates and to take an active part in all the TU process.
Contents of the Teaching Unit 1) Comprehension of the linguistic structures and the vocabulary: Linguistic structures: to knead, to mixt, to cut, to beat, to spread, to stir, to bake, to put the bread in the oven./To put the dough in to... / Questions: Do you take salt/sugar/yeast in the...?,Shall we...?, How can we...? Prepositions: into, through, in, on, over, below. Vocabulary: flour, wheat, ear of wheat, wheat fields, grain, oven, tools, dough, yeast, butter, wholewheat flour, oatmeal, cornmeal. 2) Use of ICT for searching information on internet about how to cook bread, and all the materials needed. ICT. 3) Selection of his own strategies to express himself in english language. Verbal and non-verbal communication.
Contents of the Teaching Unit 4) Acquisition of the knowledge about the bread realization process: – Bread process. – How the wheat become grain, and later flour. Why there are different kinds of wheat and get to know where it comes from. To know what is the yeast and why we need it. 5) Making bread considering the previous knowledge: – Ingredients, materials, steps to follow the right making of the bread. – The students will experience with their own hands how to make bread, so they will put all the previous contents into practice 6) Cooperation with their classmates and taking an active part in all the TU process: – Teamwork.
Didactic sequence development Pre-Task Activity 1: Which type of bread do you normally eat? (Session 1) We will ask the students to bring some of the bread they usually eat at home. Then at class, we will introduce the topic asking some questions to the class as: – Do you know how many types of bread exists? – Does anybody know how to cook bread? – Where it comes from? In pairs, think and talk about the previous knowledge they have about the bread and the one they bring. Sharing their first impressions and decide which flour is made of. This activity will be done totally in English
Didactic sequence development Task preparation: Activity 2: The process of elaborating bread. (Session 2) The teacher will explain the important ingredient, the flour, and where it comes from, the wheat. Speech about the proces of elaborating bread. We will talk about the wheat and the different types of it. The explanation will be totally in English underlining the linguistic structures and vocaburlay that is going to be used. (The teacher can use a power point presentation or similar to be helped in the speech).
Didactic sequence development Task preparation: Activity 3: Searching the bread recipe on the internet! (Session 2) Activity 3: Searching the bread recipe on the internet! (Session 2) Look for information on the internet in the computer room. Look for information on the internet in the computer room. In pairs will share the differents recipes they have found to the hole class. In pairs will share the differents recipes they have found to the hole class. Decide which bread recipe are we going to elaborate in the task realitzation and which kinds of flour are we going to cook. Decide which bread recipe are we going to elaborate in the task realitzation and which kinds of flour are we going to cook. They can look into the internet for the process of cooking bread, its ingredients, the tools needed, how to do it and the different kinds of flour that exists. They can look into the internet for the process of cooking bread, its ingredients, the tools needed, how to do it and the different kinds of flour that exists.
Didactic sequence development Task Realitzation: Activity 4: Cooking bread! (Session 3) Organize the students in groups to elaborate the bread recipe. Each group will have a different type of wheat to cook. The teacher will help to do the dough and explaining it and the students will imitate her/him. When they finish doing the dough, then will do the shape and direct to he oven for 45 minutes. A baker called John, an English friend of the school, will help us. He will explain us how they work in the bakery and which kind of bread they usually cook, etc.
Didactic sequence development Post-task: Activity 5: We eat the bread and decide which is our favourite. (Session 4) Sharing with all the students the bread that they have elaborated and they will taste it. They will be able to appreciate the different types or wheat that they have cooked and remember the process. We will tell them to bring some bread at home for their family. Teacher/s can finish the task asking: Which type of bread do you like the most? Activity 6: Assessment and evaluation of the Task. (Session 5) Ask their opinion about the task. Do all together an assessment of the task. If there is time, we can propose them to draw a comic strip about the process of elaborating bread.
Assessment criteria The child has understood the linguistic structures and the vocabulary. The child has used the ICT properly. The child has selected his own strategies to express himself in english. The child has acquired the realization of the bread process. The child has made the bread considering the previous knowledge. The child has collaborated and taken part in all the TU and also with his classmates.
Thanks for your attention! Thanks for paying attention!