CTL3074 Welcome to the Internet
CLT3074 Overview Materials available via the web url: Assessment –practical test (30%) wk 8 –Prepared exam (30%) wk15 software evaluation (20%) about 800 prepared question [5 > 3 do 1] Prepare 3! (10%) –curriculum unit & presentation (40%) 5mins & 2000
A Brief History 1962 Inter-Networking 1969 ARPA net st program 1970s Doug Englebart 1992 WWW created st graphic browser I havent seen anything grow like this outside of a petrie dish
The Nature of the Beast this permits: file transfer (FTP) mail transfer (SMTP) HyperLinks (HTTP) telnet We use a variety of different programs to access these The nature of the internet is
The World Wide Web HTTP allows instant viewing of documents HYPERTEXT links documents Recent developments in HTML (hypertext markup language) permits inclusion of sound and video 1995 jim goslins team design JAVA The Web as a killer-ap
Searching Directories ie YAHOO urls (addresses) are collected and categorised Search Engines ie ALTAVISTA user searches for keywords in a databank Meta search engines ie DOGPILE searches other search facilities Information retrieval skills of key importance
Needle in a cyberstack….. Combined, the top six search engines cover about 42% of the web.
Interfaces: lynx
Interfaces: Internet Explorer
Interfaces: Neoplanet
Interfaces: Netscape
What to do with it? Resource Sites: – – –> Communities and Lists Source Sites – Information retrieval skills Publishing
Tasks Find the ctl3071 resource pages Introduce yourselves via the FORUM Start searching for resource and source sites. your tutor: You can find this PP Slide Show under PP Slide Shows in OzEdweb at: