OCS OnDemand Reporting Provided by OCS Education E-learning Network Confidential – For OCS Client Use Only
Articulate Presenter - Control Features
Objectives Describe & Understand the overall benefit of OCS OnDemand Reporting to home health agency performance improvement efforts Review the reports available in OnDemand Patient Management Folio Describe the elements of managing OASIS information
Healthcare Information Platform Healthcare Information Platform and OnDemand Reporting Consolidated technology platform for accessing all of your information Patient Level –Detailed information clients use on a day-to-day basis to manage patient care Agency Level –Comparative Benchmarking All reports for OASIS-C are in OnDemand format
Data Transfer OCS Smartlink® Automatic transfer of data to OCS Daily Data transferred for Patient Management Reports OASIS data
Accessing QA Reports: Look Familiar?
Accessing OnDemand Patient Management Reports
OASIS C Reports & Accessing OnDemand Reports OASIS C Report TabsOASIS B Report Tabs C-PatientView C-TransferB-Discharge QA C-VerificationsB-Recert QA C-PPS WorksheetB-Transfer QA B-Adverse Events B-Verifications B-PPS-Worksheet B-Patient Outcome Report
Patient Management Report Functionality Ability to run the reports by: Agency or Branch ID Date range (Modified or Completed between) Payer(s) Clinician Team Patient Diagnosis
1.Choose the report you wish to run 2.Select date range 3.Choose your options/filters 4.Click view reports button easy Four easy steps to run a report
PatientView - Patient Risk Overview Report
Patient Risk Overview Report
Patient Risk Levels Risk Category Odds of ACH or EC Percent of ACH or EC Very High slightly greater than 1 in 2 chance50% High about a 1 in 3 chance33% Medium about a 1 in 5 chance20% Low about a 1 in 10 chance10% Very Low about a 1 in 205%
Transfer Report
Patient-Level Verification Report
PPS Reimbursement Worksheet
OASIS B Reports Historical files are now available in the OnDemand format
o oo oo
Managing OnDemand Reports OnDemand Reporting provides: Day-to-day use-improve OASIS accuracy & data integrity Monitor & manage patient cases & outcomes Monitor clinician performance Monitor process measures/assure agency best practices Usability = Management by exception
Managing OnDemand Reports TIPS FOR SUCCESS Make a PLAN! Determine your focus areas Prioritize use of reports Establish a process flow Document responsibilities Make the information work for you!
Managing OnDemand Reports Integrated Activity Days of the week M-W-F How many times per week? Supervisor? Clinician? Verification Report
Additional Training OCS e-Learning Network OnDemand Recorded Training site: OCS Educators Contact Information Phone:
E-Learning site
Sue Blockberger-Miller, MSN, RN Director of Education OCS HomeCare Leslie Knudsen-Wells, BS, RN PI Educator OCS HomeCare