Top 10 Reading Strategies Nate Austin Benny Castillo Bryon Whitney Andrea Thompson STANDARDS
#1 Written Conversation Use the students strength of conversations skills It is similar to texting Gives the students chance to share without the threat of embarrassment Includes entire class Something that can be done silently
#2 Post It Notes Similar to highlighting Can mark the spot in text where student left off Quick way to record important facts and concepts Class can discuss what they had posted
#3 Reading Aloud Good for students to hear teacher’s expression while reading Also good for students to hear teacher so they can model It is enjoyable to listen Good for students to hear it out loud
#4 Brainstorming Brainstorming is used interdisciplinary All students involved No criticism – all ideas are recorded Good way to get to core ideas Be prepared – It may get Noisy
#5 Anticipation Guides Gets the thought process going about what they are going to read Guides are easy to prepare and takes little class time Prepare brief set of questions to activate prior knowledge
#6 Guide-O-Rama Lets the teacher informally coach, support and chat with the students Can be used as long as you are using the same book
#7 Say Something Allows the students to work in pairs Allows teacher to put strong and less strong student together Gets students to discuss their point of view capitalizes on skills that the students already have Enjoyable to listen to others interpretations
#8 Sketching my way through the text Quick and simple representations to show students learning process Helps students visualize what they are reading Can be very beneficial to students who are struggling in math and science – as it lays process out before them
#9 It say/I say Combines prior knowledge, what they are learning from the new text information and gives the students a complete understanding
#10 List – Group - Label Allows students to think of words in similar contexts Work together to make sense of new words Good for building vocabulary Helps students organization when confronted with new vocabulary