List 10
1. Intrepid Adjective-Fearless; bold
2. Intricacy Noun-Detailed or complex
3. Intrinsic Adjective-Essential; basic or necessary
4. Introspective Adjective-Examining one’s own thoughts or feelings; looking inward; thoughtful
5. Inure Verb-To become used to accepting something which is undesirable
6. Invidious Adjective-Harmful or obnoxious
7. Miscreant Noun-One who behaves criminally or violently
8. Laconic Adjective-Sparing of words
9. Laudable Adjective-Praiseworthy; commendable
10. Lucid Adjective-Easily understood; clear
11. Lucrative Adjective-Profitable
12. Malevolent Adjective-Spiteful; malicious
13. Martyr Noun-One who dies or makes a great sacrifice for a cause
14. Mercenary Noun-Hired soldier who fights only for the money
15. Misanthrope Noun-One who hates mankind