Multiplying & Dividing by 10 & 100
Multiply by 10 The easy way to x10 is to add a zero! So 19 x 10 = x 10 = x 10 = 120
Try these: 29 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
But that only works if there is no decimal point What will we do if there is a decimal point? 12.4 x 10 = ? We’ll move the figures one place to the right. Moving to the right makes the number smaller. Let’s try some.
Remember: move 1 place to the right. H T U. t h Notice that the decimal point is in the same place – the decimal point never moves!
Always remember place value M HTh TTh Th H T U. t h th Millions Hundreds of Thousands Hundreds of Thousands Tens of Thousands Tens of Thousands Thousands Thousands Hundreds Hundreds Tens Tens Units Units decimal point decimal point tenths tenths hundredths hundredths thousandths thousandths Decimal point is always between the Units and the tenths.
Try these: 13.5 x x x x x x x x