Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING January 10, 2012
Board of County Commissioners Project :Grassmere Reserve PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Ken Stoltenberg District #:2 Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Grassmere Reserve Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP): (1) To allow 98 townhomes in lieu of 98 Single- Family detached dwelling units, and (2) To grant waivers from Section 38-79(20)(f) and Section (d) to allow for a maximum building height of forty (40) feet/three (3) stories in lieu of thirty-five (35) feet/two (2) stories. Project :Grassmere Reserve PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Ken Stoltenberg District #:2 Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Grassmere Reserve Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP): (1) To allow 98 townhomes in lieu of 98 Single- Family detached dwelling units, and (2) To grant waivers from Section 38-79(20)(f) and Section (d) to allow for a maximum building height of forty (40) feet/three (3) stories in lieu of thirty-five (35) feet/two (2) stories.
Board of County Commissioners Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners Future Land Use Map Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Grassmere Reserve Land Use Plan Grassmere Reserve Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Substantial Change to the approved Grassmere Reserve PD/LUP dated Received October 12, 2011 subject to the five (5) conditions in the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners Project :Frye Center PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Mason Simpson District #:1 Project :Frye Center PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Mason Simpson District #:1
Board of County Commissioners Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Frye Center Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) to grant four waivers from the original version of the Horizon West Village Code, applicable to Tract 1, Lot 2 only: 1)A waiver from Section (b)(9) to allow for a minimum of two (2) attached units in lieu of five (5), 2)A waiver from Section (b)(7)(a) to allow a front building setback of twelve (12) feet in lieu of fifteen (15) feet and a front porch setback of seven (7) feet in lieu of ten (10) feet, 3)A waiver from Section (b)(7)(c) to allow a rear alley setback of ten (10) feet from the easement centerline in lieu of fifteen (15) feet from the easement centerline, and 4) A waiver from Section (b)(7)(b) to allow an end unit setback of two point five (2.5) feet in lieu of seven (7) feet. This request will provide a building separation of five (5) feet in lieu of fourteen (14) feet. Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Frye Center Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) to grant four waivers from the original version of the Horizon West Village Code, applicable to Tract 1, Lot 2 only: 1)A waiver from Section (b)(9) to allow for a minimum of two (2) attached units in lieu of five (5), 2)A waiver from Section (b)(7)(a) to allow a front building setback of twelve (12) feet in lieu of fifteen (15) feet and a front porch setback of seven (7) feet in lieu of ten (10) feet, 3)A waiver from Section (b)(7)(c) to allow a rear alley setback of ten (10) feet from the easement centerline in lieu of fifteen (15) feet from the easement centerline, and 4) A waiver from Section (b)(7)(b) to allow an end unit setback of two point five (2.5) feet in lieu of seven (7) feet. This request will provide a building separation of five (5) feet in lieu of fourteen (14) feet.
Board of County Commissioners Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners Future Land Use Map Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Frye Center Land Use Plan Frye Center Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Substantial Change to the approved Frye Center PD/LUP dated Received October 25, 2011 subject to the four (4) conditions in the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING
Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING January 10, 2012
Board of County Commissioners Project :Lake Reams Neighborhood PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Teri Bowley District #:1 Project :Lake Reams Neighborhood PD/LUP Substantial Change Applicant: Teri Bowley District #:1
Board of County Commissioners Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Lake Reams Neighborhood Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) to allow for an internal transfer of 106 dwelling units from Parcel 3 to Parcel 2 and for approval of waivers applicable to Parcel 2 only: 1)The following waivers from the original version of the Horizon West Village Code: a.A waiver from Sections (g)(3)(d) and (b)(10) to allow the first floor elevations to be twelve (12) inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk in lieu of eighteen (18) inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk, b.A waiver from Section (a)(3)(c) to allow parking on New Reams Road and the New Connector Road. Parking may be provided on the sides of the buildings provided the stalls are screened with 36" knee walls with caps and landscaping, c.A waiver from Section (i) to allow for a maximum of twenty-five (25) on-street parking spaces to be located on the same side of the property line in lieu of being located on the same lot or within three hundred (300) feet from the principal entrance. These twenty-five (25) spaces may be used to meet the minimum parking requirement for this development, Request: To consider a substantial change to the approved Lake Reams Neighborhood Planned Development/Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) to allow for an internal transfer of 106 dwelling units from Parcel 3 to Parcel 2 and for approval of waivers applicable to Parcel 2 only: 1)The following waivers from the original version of the Horizon West Village Code: a.A waiver from Sections (g)(3)(d) and (b)(10) to allow the first floor elevations to be twelve (12) inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk in lieu of eighteen (18) inches above the finished grade of the sidewalk, b.A waiver from Section (a)(3)(c) to allow parking on New Reams Road and the New Connector Road. Parking may be provided on the sides of the buildings provided the stalls are screened with 36" knee walls with caps and landscaping, c.A waiver from Section (i) to allow for a maximum of twenty-five (25) on-street parking spaces to be located on the same side of the property line in lieu of being located on the same lot or within three hundred (300) feet from the principal entrance. These twenty-five (25) spaces may be used to meet the minimum parking requirement for this development,
Board of County Commissioners d.A waiver from Section (b)(5) to allow an increase in the maximum building height to three (3) stories and forty five (45) feet in lieu of forty (40) feet, and e.A waiver from Sections (b)(11) and (e) to modify the porch requirements as follows: Front porches (i.e., covered entrances at the breezeways) will only be required for each building fronting a public right-of-way (southern connector road and Lake Village Road). 2)The following waivers for Multi-Family residential: a.A waiver from Sections (a), (b), and (c) to allow three (3) story multi-family buildings to be located within eighty (80) feet of single-family zoned property, and b.A waiver from Section (j) to allow for a minimum building separation of twenty (20) feet for two-story and three-story buildings, in lieu of thirty (30) feet and forty (40) feet, respectively. 3)A waiver from Section to allow for a minimum front setback from twenty-five (25) and thirty-five (35) feet to fifteen (15) feet. d.A waiver from Section (b)(5) to allow an increase in the maximum building height to three (3) stories and forty five (45) feet in lieu of forty (40) feet, and e.A waiver from Sections (b)(11) and (e) to modify the porch requirements as follows: Front porches (i.e., covered entrances at the breezeways) will only be required for each building fronting a public right-of-way (southern connector road and Lake Village Road). 2)The following waivers for Multi-Family residential: a.A waiver from Sections (a), (b), and (c) to allow three (3) story multi-family buildings to be located within eighty (80) feet of single-family zoned property, and b.A waiver from Section (j) to allow for a minimum building separation of twenty (20) feet for two-story and three-story buildings, in lieu of thirty (30) feet and forty (40) feet, respectively. 3)A waiver from Section to allow for a minimum front setback from twenty-five (25) and thirty-five (35) feet to fifteen (15) feet.
Board of County Commissioners 4)A waiver from Sections (a) and to allow for a maximum of twenty-five (25) on-street parking spaces to be located on the same side of the property line in lieu of being located on the same lot or within three hundred (300) feet from the principal entrance. These twenty-five (25) spaces may be used to meet the minimum parking requirement for this development.
Board of County Commissioners Zoning Map
Board of County Commissioners Future Land Use Map Future Land Use Map
Board of County Commissioners Lake Reams Neighborhood Land Use Plan Lake Reams Neighborhood Land Use Plan
Board of County Commissioners Action Requested Find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Substantial Change to the approved Lake Reams Neighborhood PD/LUP dated Received November 1, 2011 subject to the eight (8) conditions in the staff report.
Board of County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING