Region 10 Accountability and Assessment Updates April 16, 2014 Jana Schreiner, Accountability and State Assessment Consultant
Agenda, Webinar #10 Accountability – Final decisions
2014 Development Final decisions ELL inclusion Accountability sessions
2014 Ratings Labels Rating based on 4 Indexes
Index 1: Student Achievement Index 1: Student Achievement provides an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across all subjects for all students Combined over All Subjects: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: All Students. Performance Standards: Phase-in 1 Level II (Satisfactory). STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments (15 total): Reading I; Reading II; Reading III Writing I; Writing II; Writing III Algebra l; Geometry; Algebra ll Biology; Chemistry; Physics World Geography; World History; US History English Language Learners (English and Spanish tests): ELLs in US schools Years 1-3 excluded ELLs in US schools Year 4 or more included 2014 Combined over All Subjects: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: All Students. Performance Standards: Phase-in 1 Level II (Satisfactory). STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments (5 total): English l; English ll Algebra l Biology US History English Language Learners (English and Spanish tests): ELLs in US schools Year 1 excluded ELLs in US schools Year 2 and beyond included
Index 1: Student Achievement English I and II from Spring Include Reading I and II from July 2013 and December 2013 Substitute Assessments EOCs (PSAT, PLAN, SAT, ACT, AP) Standard at Meeting Final Level II (CCR Standard) Counted as PASSER for Index I Counted as Meeting CCR Standard for Index IV Not used in Index 2 and 3
Index 2: Student Progress focuses on actual student growth independent of overall achievement levels for each race/ethnicity student group, students with disabilities, and English language learners. By Subject Area: Reading and Mathematics One point for Met progress level Two points for Exceeded progress level Progress Measures by Subject Area and School Type New for 2014: No Index 2 for High Schools (9-12 campuses) Inclusion STAAR-Modified, STAAR-Alt Inclusion of ELL Students Index 2: Student Progress
Index 2: Student Progress focuses on actual student growth independent of overall achievement levels for each race/ethnicity student group, students with disabilities, and English language learners. New for 2014: Students who skip grades included Students who transition from Spanish to English in mathematics included ELL Denials: Students whose parent(s) have denied ELL services included Considered as Non-ELL student for Index 2 Index 2: Student Progress
2013 Points based on STAAR performance: Phase-in 1 Level II satisfactory performance: One point for each percent of tests MET Phase-in 1 Level II By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: Economically Disadvantaged Lowest Performing Race/Ethnicity from 2012 Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps emphasizes advanced academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups Points based on STAAR performance: Phase-in 1 Level II satisfactory performance: One point for each percent of tests MET Phase-in 1 Level II Level III advanced performance: Two points for each percent of tests at the Level III advanced performance standard. By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: Economically Disadvantaged Lowest Performing Race/Ethnicity from 2013…groups must have 25 tests in reading AND math Inclusion of ELL Students
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness 2013 Graduation Score: Combined performance across the graduation and dropout rates for: Grade 9-12 Four-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups; or Grade 9-12 Five-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups, whichever contributes the higher number of points to the index. RHSP/DAP Graduates: All Students and race/ethnicity student groups. Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness emphasizes the importance of earning a high school diploma that provides students with the foundation necessary for success in college, the workforce, job training programs, or the military; and the role of elementary and middle schools in preparing students for high school Graduation Score: Combined performance across the graduation and dropout rates for: Grade 9-12 Four-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups; or Grade 9-12 Five-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups, whichever contributes the higher number of points to the index. RHSP/DAP Graduates: All Students and race/ethnicity student groups. STAAR Score: STAAR Percent Met Final Level ll for All Students and race/ethnicity student groups. College ready graduates.
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Indicator All Students African Amer. Amer. Indian AsianHispanic Pacific Islander White Two or More Races ELL Special Ed. Total Points Max. Points STAAR Score STAAR % Met Final Level ll on Two or More Tests 29%16%40%23%38%36% STAAR Score (STAAR total points divided by maximum points)30 Graduation Score (Gr. 9-12) 4-yr. graduation rate84.3%78.8% 91.6%86.0%44.2%69.8% yr. graduation rate85.1%78.8%80.0%92.1%84.0%48.9%77.5% Highest Graduation Total Graduation Score (best of total graduation points divided by maximum points)78.0 RHSP/DAP Score 4-yr. graduation Percent RHSP/DAP 82.7%76.4%83.6%83.0% RHSP/DAP Score (best of total RHSP/DAP points divided by maximum points)81.4 Postsecondary/College-Ready Graduates Score College-Ready Graduates subject (ELA & Math) 82.0%72.0%78.0%89.0% College-Ready Score (total points divided by maximum points)80.2 Overall Index Score STAAR Score30.0 Multiply by Weight Graduation Score78.0 RHSP/DAP Score81.4 College-Ready Score80.2 Index Score (sum of weighted index scores)
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness STAAR Level II Final Performance Percent Met Final Level II on Two or More Assessments Weighting of Indicators: Post-Secondary Indicator: Percent Met Criteria on ELA AND MATH IndicatorWeight STAAR Component25% Graduation25% Graduation Plan25% Post-Secondary Indicators25%
Rating Labels: AEA 2014 System Standard accountability labels: Met Alternative Standard Improvement Required
Index 4 Targets Elementary-12 Middle School-13 High School-18 District--13 Districts, high schools, and multi-grade campuses- 56…..changed to 57 per April 25 th posting. STAAR ComponentAll four components
Distinction Designations 2013 Distinction Designation Campus Top Twenty-Five Percent: Campuses in the top quartile of their campus comparison group earn a distinction designation. Student Progress based on Index 2 Academic Achievement in: Reading/ELA Mathematics 2014 Distinction Designation Campus Top Twenty-Five Percent: Campuses in the top quartile of their campus comparison group Student Progress (based on Index 2) Closing Performance Gaps (based on Index 3) Academic Achievement in: Reading/English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Districts and Campuses Postsecondary Readiness: House Bill 5 (83 rd Texas Legislature, 2013) expanded distinctions for districts and campuses for attainment of postsecondary readiness Criteria must include indicators based on percentages of students who: Achieve college-readiness standards on STAAR; Earn nationally/internationally recognized business/industry certification; Complete a coherent sequence of CTE courses; Complete dual credit or a postsecondary course for local credit; Achieve college readiness standards on SAT, ACT, PSAT, or ACT-PLAN; Earn college credit based on AP/IB performance.
Accountability Ratings and Distinction Designations 2013 and 2014 Accountability Rating (Districts and Campuses) 2013 Distinction Designations2014 Distinction Designations Met Standard Campuses Only Student Progress Academic Achievement: Reading/ELA Mathematics Districts and Campuses Postsecondary Readiness Campuses Only Student Progress Closing Performance Gaps Academic Achievement: Reading/ELA Mathematics Science Social Studies Improvement RequiredN/A
System Safeguards Safeguard Measures and Targets: Reporting system disaggregates performance by student group, performance level, and subject area. Performance rates are calculated from the assessment results used to calculate Index 1: Student Achievement. 2013 targets for the disaggregated system-safeguard results: STAAR performance target corresponds to Index 1 (50%); STAAR participation target required by federal accountability (95%); Federal graduation rate targets and improvement calculations for 4-year rate (78%) and 5-year rate (83%); and Federal limit on use of alternate assessments (1% and 2%).
26 IndicatorEntity All Students African Amer. Amer. Indian AsianHispanic Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Eco. Disadv. ELLSpecial Ed. Performance Rates* Reading State55% Federal79% n/a 79%n/a79%n/a79% Mathematics State55% Federal79% n/a 79%n/a79%n/a79% Writing55% Science55% Social Studies55% Participation Rates Reading95% Mathematics95% Federal Graduation Rates (including improvement targets) 4-year80% 5-year85% District Limits on Use of Alternative Assessment Results Reading Modified2%Not Applicable Alternate1%Not Applicable Mathematics Modified2%Not Applicable Alternate1%Not Applicable Texas Education Agency | Office of Assessment and Accountability | Division of Performance Reporting 2014 Accountability System Safeguard Measures and Targets * Targets for 2014 correspond to the performance target for Index 1: Student Achievement.
Secure Environment Staging Data Validation Monitoring in ISAM Campus pairings for accountability available in late April
ELL progress measure