The State of Assessment Assessment Perspectives New Mexico Required Assessments District Required Assessments Assessment Calendar Updates PARCC Pacing Guides Assessment Videos
Board Retreat Assessment Perspectives Assessment at its worst Feels top down and compliance driven Assesses the wrong information Does not have valuable information that is actionable Takes away time from instruction Assessment at its best Motivates students using feedback toward competence Allows educators to challenge assumptions It allows us to see the scope and sequence of understanding across grade levels- from PK to 12 th Informs instruction
New Mexico Required Assessments PARCC / SBA Spanish Language Arts SBA – Science Grades 4, 7, 11 DIBELS Next / IDEL – K-3 Reading ACCESS / IPT / WAPT – English Language Learners / Spanish Language Learners End of Course Exams
District Required Assessments to inform instruction Discovery – Formative Assessment to guide Instruction Grades 1-HS mClass Math - Kindergarten
Assessment Calendar Updates Discovery Kindergarten – a teacher MAY use to inform instruction Grades 1,2 Test A – August Test B – December Test D - May Grades 3-HS (Year Long) Test A – August Test B - December HS Block Test A – August (Fall Block) Test A – January (Spring Block) EOC Exams – Piloting Online Administration (Blackboard/Synergy) PARCC Administration Time (Same as SBA – 9 Hours) spread out over two windows PARCC PBA – March PARCC EOY – April/May
The Top 10 Things Every Administrator Should Know About PARCC LCPS Administrators Retreat July 31-August 1, 2014 Cari Aguilera, Jennifer Haan and Criss Grubbs
#10 In NMPARCC will Replace Math, Reading and Writing NMSBA & High School Graduation Assessment (HSGA) NMSBANMPARCC Mathematics ReadingEnglish Language Arts/Literacy (Reading & Writing) Writing Science NMSBA will continue to be administered
The PARCC Assessment Design Allows Students to Demonstrate Mastery of the Full Range of CCSS Skills
The PARCC Assessment Design English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grade 3-11
#9 The NMPARCC Assessments will be Given in 2 Separate Testing Windows
Tested Areas by Grade Level and Sessions Per Window:
LCPS NMPARCC Test Dates for School Year: PBA window: March 2 – March 20, 2015 Each student takes 3 sessions of ELA Each student takes 2 sessions of Math EOY window: April 20 – May 8, 2015 Each student takes 2 sessions of ELA Each student takes 2 sessions of Math
#8 The Average Testing Time Did NOT Increase On average it will take a student a total of 9 hours to complete NMPARCC, which includes 5 hours of PBA and 4 hours of EOY. This time is comparable to the time students took to complete previous administrations of the NMSBA in three days. Keep in mind writing is assessed at every grade on NMPARCC.
#7 All New Mexico Schools Can Access PARCC Student Sample Questions Online:
#6 NMPARCC Will Include a Variety of Question Types in Both ELA/Literacy and Math All constructed response questions will appear on the PBA to allow time for scoring and return of results by the end of the year. Both PBA and EOY will include multiple choice/selected response questions. Technology enhanced questions will be manipulated by students using functions such as drag and drop.
#5 NMPARCC Includes Writing for All Assessed Grade Levels 60% of the ELA/Literacy assessment will involve writing. All passages used in NMPARCC ELA/Literacy are developed from authentic texts. Students will compose 3 pieces of prose during the PBA session.
#4 NMPARCC Math Questions will Have a Heavy Emphasis on the Major Work of the Grade 60% of the math questions will focus on the major content of the grade. 40% of the math questions will come from the supporting and additional content standards. The math practices will be incorporated throughout the majority of the tested content.
#3 PARCC is More Rigorous than NMSBA Math Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application. ELA/Literature Rigor: Building knowledge through content rich nonfiction; reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational.
OK – Let’s Have Some Fun
PARCC – Let’s Have More Fun! PARCC – Let’s Have More Fun!
#2 Students will Have Accessibility Features and Accommodations Support when Taking NMPARCC Unless a student is identified to take NMAPA/NCSC, all students in grades 3 – H3 will take NMPARCC. New Mexico has adopted the PARCC Accommodations Manual (PAM). Refer to PAM and the appendices for a full list of all PARCC student supports.
PARCC is Designed to be Accessible to Students with Disabilities and English Learners
Resources DescriptionWeb LinkNotes ELA/Reading Online Resources Page includes links to sample tests, sample questions, and draft rubrics (Information about Performance Based Tests & End of Year Tests) All grade spans parcc/english_lang_lit.cfm Prompts of the Week- sample questions 3 rd -11 th Reading games that address CCSS Kinder-3 rd Grade This site has a lesson plan tab and it shows how the lesson exemplifies the instruction shifts required by Common Core State Standards – how it ties to Coherence and Rigor and lists the standards
Resources DescriptionWeb LinkNotes Math Online Resources includes links to sample tests, and sample questions (Information about Performance Based Tests & End of Year Tests) All grade spans h_-_parcc_prompts.cfm Prompts of the Week- sample questions 3 rd -8 th and Algebra & Geometry hmatics_common_co.cfm Practice Test Items 3 rd - 7 th and High School games that address CCSS Kinder-6 th Grade site has a “Find Tasks” by grade. In selecting a grade it shows example problems and how it is exactly aligned to the Content Standards. Also an “Explore the Standards” selection menu 9 th – 12 th Grade of Texas, Austin The Mathematics Common Core Toolbox Interactive Visualizations 6 th – 12 th Grade
Resources DescriptionWeb LinkNotes Technology Skills Resources _resources.cfm Page provides information about specific technology skills that students will need with links to sample questions that show an example of each skill 3 rd -10 th Grade for_parcc.cfm Page provides information about specific technology skills that students will need with links to sample questions that show an example of each skill 3 rd, 6 th, 7 th, and 10 th Grades for ELA/Reading 3 rd, 4 th, 6 th, 7 th, and High School for Math g.cfm Typing expectations and links to online typing practice 4 th -6 th Grade parcc-online-state-testing/ Here are two websites that identify (better than most) tech skills for PARCC that I have found so far: integrating-technology-for-new-assessments-connect-the-dots- march-2013.pdf Here are two websites that identify (better than most) tech skills for PARCC that I have found so far: matrix-1 This site has a matrix:
Resources DescriptionWeb LinkNotes PARCC Accommodations accessibility-features-and-accommodations- manual PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual CCSS Instructional Resources Zillion CCSS Math and ELA K-12 Teaching Videos Department of Education CCSS Math and ELA K-12 Teaching Videos =1&categories=organizations_national,topics_ common-core&load=1 Teaching Channel CCSS Math and ELA K-12 Teaching Videos core/ Colorín Colorado CCSS Resources for Teaching ELLs Language Teaching resources that exemplify high-quality instruction for ELLs across three content areas based on CCSS for ELA and Math and Next Generation Science Standards PARCC Passage Selection Guidelines ed%20Passage%20Selection%20Guidelines%20an d%20Worksheets_0.pdf These guidelines should inform the training of passage finders in order to ensure a pool of acceptable passages that can support assessment of the CCSS for the PARCC summative assessments. These guidelines will also inform form assemblers as they construct forms that will assess the full continuum of standards.
Pacing Guides
Assessment Videos LCPSTV and The Division of Learning, Teaching, and Research have teamed up to provide informational videos on assessments that schools can use to inform students, parents, and the general community on the various assessments Videos will initially be posted on principals’ webpage