Creating Patient Loyalty Staff Meeting Presentation Series
Staff Meeting Goals Explain the importance of patient loyalty to our mutual success Review proven techniques to increase patient loyalty
Eye Care Market Facts Fact Implications There is one eye doctor dispensing glasses and contacts for every 4,000 people needing vision correction in the U.S. Surveys show most patients are “satisfied” with the competence and friendly service their current eye doctor provides There is no captive market for our service Our patients have many acceptable options for their eye care Merely “satisfying” patients will not differentiate our practice from others, or cause patients to seek us out
Eye Care Market Facts (Cont.) Implications Few patients can remember any exceptional service their eye doctor ever performed In urban areas, most “satisfied” patients will switch eye doctors if they move more than 15 minutes away from the office Eye care is a routine, forgettable experience for most patients Unexceptional service is unlikely to produce referrals We must go beyond “satisfaction” to retain patients and gain new ones
Creating “satisfied” patients is not enough Creating loyalty is a must
Traits of “Satisfied” vs. “Loyal” Patients Service meets expectations View service as competent, but ordinary and unexceptional Seldom or never talk about the service to others Never initiate a referral of the practice Likely to switch if a more convenient provider becomes available Service exceeds expectations View the service as memorable Likely to tell “stories” about the practice to others Likely to recommend the practice to others Likely to be a patient for life
Creating Patients for Life Lifetime Value of a Patient Annual Lifetime Value of Patient Professional Fees $55* X 40 $2,200 Vision Center Purchases $150 $6,000 Not including: Revenue from other family members Revenue from referrals * Based on average for all Wal*Mart and SAM’s Club affiliated doctors
Universal Mission Statement for Service Companies Treat every customer in such a memorable way that when the transaction is complete, the customer tells someone else how great it was From “Customer Satisfaction is Worthless: Customer Loyalty is Priceless” Jeffrey Gitomer, 1998 For Discussion: Do we achieve this standard? What do our patients say about us? Are we satisfied with competent, unremarkable service?
“Word of mouth is the lowest cost form of promotion “Word of mouth is the lowest cost form of promotion...and the most compelling.” Michael E. Cafferky, Let Your Customers Do the Talking
Most eye care practices are great at efficiently processing patients Few excel at truly servicing patients Great service is mainly about relationships and feelings, not efficiency and logic
Service Standards Basic: Expected, creates satisfaction Exceptional: Unexpected, creates loyalty Technical competence Timely, efficient service Courteous, friendly treatment Provide functional solution to vision care needs Made to feel like the practice’s “most important customer” Sincere concern demonstrated for both the patient’s personal ocular health and emotional needs Most technically advanced products dispensed
For Discussion Do our patients feel treated as welcome, honored guests? Does every patient leave the office and Vision Center with all of their questions answered and concerns addressed? Does every patient leave knowing they have been presented the very latest and highest performance products available to satisfy their needs?
Best “Policies” Never use the word “policy” with patients Tell each patient upfront what to expect Always make patients believe they have won any dispute “You never win an argument with a customer” Say “YES” first Find the solution that satisfies
How to say “YES” First… Example: Patient calls and asks for a copy of his CL Rx.., but the assistant sees that the Rx is expired and the last exam was 1 year 6 months ago.
Response A: Say “NO” First “I’m sorry Mr. Smith, but there is nothing I can do. Your prescription is expired. Our policy is to not provide any lenses if you have not had an exam within one year. You’ll need to make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam and contact lens evaluation.”
Response B:Say “YES” First “Mr. Smith, you’re in luck! I can get you in tomorrow for a check-up, and then your prescription will be up to date. I can also offer you a free pair of lenses to hold you over if you need them.”
Patient Relationship Basics Greeting the Patient Smile Maintain eye contact Address the patient by name Attend to the patient’s comfort Demonstrate you consider the patient an honored guest Ask each patient about any vision problems they are experiencing, any unanswered questions they have, and about the solutions they are seeking Listen “There is a big difference between listening and waiting for your turn to talk”
Patient Relationship Basics (Cont.) During the Pre-Testing Briefly explain each procedural step in layman’s language Avoid jargon, acronyms, technical terms Avoid rushing Respect the patient’s time Reinforce the doctor’s expertise and concern for the patient’s welfare If the patient has a complaint, take personal ownership Thank the patient for allowing us to care for their eyes
Forbidden Phrases It’s our policy… We don’t, we never, there’s no way, we’ve done all we can… Sorry we’re closing in five minutes, please call back tomorrow That offer ended yesterday I don’t have the time right now to check for you I don’t handle that, you’ll have to talk to… I’m just doing what I have been told to do. I’ll lose my job if I… You should have… We have no record of that
Loyalty Generating Phrases It’s great to see you I’ll be happy to My pleasure Certainly Thank you
How to say NO…(if you really have to) “In order to be fair to everyone…” “In order to protect your eye health…” “In order to provide the excellent service we stand for…”
+ Service Recovery Snafus and service disconnects are inevitable When service fails, the event should be turned into a positive, recovery story Recommended approach to service recovery Fix the Problem Offer Something Extra Listen & apologize… “Oh, that’s horrible.” No excuses No delay No referral to higher authority Achieve total satisfaction Offer make-up gesture Future discount Gift Erases the negative and makes the experience positive and memorable +
Treat every customer in such a memorable Our Mission Statement Treat every customer in such a memorable way that when the transaction is complete, the customer tells someone else how great it was From “Customer Satisfaction is Worthless: Customer Loyalty is Priceless” Jeffrey Gitomer, 1998