This is a trip at high speed, incremintally jumping distances by the Power of 10 ! Starting with 10 0 equivalent to 1 meter, and increasing in magnitude a by factor of 10s, or 10 1 (10 meters), 10 2 (10x10 = 100 meters, 10 3 (10x10x10 = meters), 10 4 (10x10x10x10 = meters), and so on, until the limit of our inmagination, in relation to the macro-cosmos. Later, let’s return, a little faster, back to the point where we started and continue our trip in the opposite direction reducing distances of travel by the Poewers of 10 into the micro-cosmos. Observe the constancy of the laws of the universe and think about how much more oure human race still needs to learn... Our imagination is limited. All we can percieve and understand is from 10 0 to AND to
The Distance to a bunch of leaves, in the garden meter
We begin our trip upwards.... We can see the foliage meters
At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the buildings meters
We will transition from meters to kilometers.. Now it is possible to jump with a parachute at this dustance from Earth km
The city can be observed, but, we really can not see the houses km
At this height, the NW part of the State of Flórida - USA, can be seen km
Typical sight from a satellite Of the DE U.S. And Florida km
The north hemisphere of Earth, and part of South America km
The Earth starts looking small km
The Earth and the Moon’s órbit in white millón km
Part of the Earth’s Orbit in blue Millon km
millons km Órbits of: Venus and Earth...
Órbits of: Mercury, Venus, Earth (Blue), Mars and Júpiter billón km
At this height of our trip, we can observe the our Solar System and the orbits of its’ planets billons km
Billon km The Solar System starts looking small...
The Sunis now a small star in the middle of thousands of other stars trillón km
At one light-year our little Sun, a star, is very small light-year
At this dantance away from Earth, we can see nothing in the infinity light-yeasr
“Nothing” Only stars and Nebulae light-years
,000 light-years At this distance we begin travelling thru the Via-Láctea (Milky Way), our galaxy.
We have compleated our travel thru and past the Via- Láctea ,000 light-years
We have started reaching the periphery of the Via-Láctea ,000 light-years
At this tremendous, distance we can see all of the Via-Láctea & other visible Galáxies, too millión light-years
From this distance, all the galaxies look smal,l with inmense empty spaces in between. The same physucal laws are ruling in all bodies of the Universe. We could continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly million light-years
10 22
10 21
10 20
10 19
10 18
10 17
10 16
10 15
10 14
10 13
10 12
10 11
10 9
10 8
10 7
10 6
10 5
10 4 Questions that come to our minds... Who are we? Where are we going? From where did we come... ?
10 3 Or... What do we represent in the Universe?
10 2 In this trip “upwards” we went to the power of 23 of 10
10 1 Now we are going to dig inside of the matter in an inverse trip...
We arrived at our starting point. We could reach it with our arms
Getting closer at 10 cm...We can delineate the leaves Centímeters
At this distance it is possible to observe the structure of the leaf Centímeter
The cellular structures start showing Millímeter
The cells can be defined. You could see the union between them microns
Let’s start our trip by entering the inside a cell microns
The nucleus of the cell is visible micrón
Again, we have changed the messuring unit to adapt to such minúscule sizes. You can now see the chromosomes Angstroms
In this micro universe, the DNA chain is now visible Angstroms
...the chromosómes blocks can be seen and studied Angstroms
It appears like clouds of electrons... These are carbon átoms that form and bind our world. You can see the resemblance of the microcosmos with the macrocosmos Angstrom
In this micro- miniature world we can observe the electrons orbiting the atoms picómeters
There is an inmense empty space between the nucleous and the electron orbits that orbit around it Picómeter
At this incredible and minuscule size we can observe the nuceous of the atom Fentómeters
Now we can observe the nucleous of a carbon atom Fentómeters
Here we are in the field of one’s scientific imagination, face-to-face with a proton Fentómeter
Examine the ‘quark’ partícules There is nowhere more to go... We are at the limits of our current scientific knowledge. Is is the limit of matter... ? Atómeters
And now...Are you the center of the universe? Are you the special creature of the Creatión? What is behind those limits? Are there any limits? Note that going “downwards” we could only go to the power of minus 16th of 10 and reached the (known?) limits of matter... But upwards we went to the power of 1023rd of 10 and stopped... But really we could have continued our trip with out limits to our imagination ! Then who says that we are ‘alone’ in the universe ? Is tis the ‘final frontier with nothing there ? Or, is it the present limit of our imagination ? Could it be possible that we have only ‘scratched the surface’ of our imagination and scientific quest for knowledge ?
THE END ! CC By: Craig Wilson July ~ 2007