Nano-10 based Building Automation System (BAS) Jesús BaezMarch, 2011
BAS Architecture
BAS allow to control the operation of up to 40 loads (on/off control,such as lighting, compressors, pumps, etc) using relay modules and 40 thermostat controlled air conditioning (AC) units. This control strategy results in important energy and billing savings. Thermostat and relay modules are connected to Nano-10 via a RS-485 network (Modbus RTU protocol) Setpoint definition for occupancy and non occupancy periods may be set independently for each thermostat using an easy to use Excel worksheet. This configuration may be done locally in each building or remotely via Intranet. Occupancy and non occupancy periods are defined using an easy to use Excel interface. This configuration may be done locally, in each building or remotely via Intranet. A Nano-10 is used in every building to monitor and control equipment status. Using SCADA software running on a central server it is possible to collect and display real time and historical information (temperatures, energy consumption, equipment status) Building Automation System (BAS) Features
Thermostat and Relay configuration
Operation hours(Occupancy/non occupancy period) definition using Excel Workbook Non Occupancy period Occupancy period
Thermostat Setpoint definition (Occupancy /Non occupancy period)
Thermostat Setpoint definition (Occupancy /Non occupancy period) using Excel Workbook Non Occupancy Setpoint Lower and upper limit Occupancy setpoint
Nano-10 webpage showing equipment Status (“1” Enabled, “0” not enabled)
Nano-10 webpage showing Thermostat configuration status
Nano-10 webpage showing relay configuration status