Calculation Policy
Aims To reduce the number of methods being taught. To increase the links between the Infants and Junior school. To create a clear progression from reception to year 6.
A few notes In year 3 children are encouraged to use jottings and work out calculations mentally. Nearly all “traditional” methods are introduced in year 4 and 5. The methods are not “set in stone” if a class or child is able to move onto the next stage in a calculation they will be taught this. Likewise, if a child is struggling an earlier method maybe used.
Mental Strategies Written Strategies
Addition Counting on = 19
Addition Counting on = 26
Addition Counting on = 265
Addition Traditional method (from year 4)
Subtraction Counting up = 8
Subtraction Counting up 34 – 16 =
Subtraction Complementary addition 224 – 86 =
Subtraction Written method (from year 5) 154 – 86 = (100) 14 (86) 68
Subtraction Written method – Borrowing (from year 5) 754 – 286 =
Multiplication Using multiplication facts You need to know your tables. -Year 3 2,3,4,5,10 -Year 4 6,7,8,9 -Year 5 11,12
Multiplication Using multiplication facts 13 x 9 = × 9 = ? 13 × 10 (-13)
Multiplication Using multiplication facts 13 x 11 = × 11 = ? 13 × 10 (+13)
Multiplication Grid Method 12 6 = ? x x Answer = = 120
Multiplication Grid Method = ? x x Answer = =
Multiplication Grid Method = ? x x Answer =
Multiplication Traditional Method (from year 5) Answer = ×
Division Sharing 13 ÷ 4 = 3 r 1
Division Grouping 41 ÷ 4 = 10 r groups
Division Grouping 43 ÷ 4 = 10 r x 4
Division Traditional Method (from year 4) 81 ÷ 3 =
Summary of strategies Children should always estimate first. Children should decide whether a method is appropriate. Children should be taught and reminded to use the correct language. Children should always check their answer, preferably using a different method e.g. The inverse operation. Children who make persistent mistakes should return to the method that they can use accurately. Children still need to know number and multiplication facts by heart.