P. Vázquez R&D activities at Santiago nR&D in pixel detectors nR&D in microstrip silicon detectors nDEPFET project n Belle II PXD PS system n Sensor characterization (Lab, testbeams) n Gamma irradiation (Co-60) nFTD simulations nDedicated personnel : 5 FTE n Pablo Vázquez, Abraham Gallas, Daniel Esperante, Jevgenij Visniakov, Carmen Iglesias, Eliseo Pérez, Javier Caride 1 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez R&D in pixel detectors nCERN + LHCb + Timepix/Medipix collaboration n 2 test beams summer 2009 at CERN n Telescope (6) + DUT made with Timepix n 55 um pixel size n 300 um thickness n Hit resolution ~5 um n Track resolution ~2.6 um 2 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez R&D in pixel detectors nTimepix/Medipix collaboration is working in adapting the Timepix ASIC for HEP experiments nSince we have obtained very good results in testbeams a) The LHCb VELO upgrade group has decided to choose the timepix as baseline pixel solution b) LHCb + Timepix/Medipix has decided to build an upgraded version of the Timepix telescope (funding partially requested to AIDA WP9) 3 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez R&D in pixel detectors a)USC in collaboration with the CNM, Glasgow and CERN are building thinned pixel detectors n 2D sensors thinned up to 200, 150 and 100 um n To be readout with the Timepix and characterized as function of the thickness ðCharge sharing ðEfficiency ðTime of arrival measurements n Sensors are being produced now n Bump-bonding tryout also at CNM n Possible design variations under discussion ðElongated pixels at 1st row, edgless, gard rings 4 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez R&D in pixel and microstrips silicon sensors b)Telescope based on Timepix with following characteristics n Active area: 2.8x2.8 cm2 n Resolucion: 2 um, 1 ns n Readout rate: 75 kHz n To be used in R&D in detectors for ILC or LHC upgrades with the contribution of the USC ðTiming Unit, integration of the DUT daq in the DAQ of the telescope ðMechanics of the DUT ðCold box to work with irradiated sensors in the test beam 5 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez R&D in microstrip silicon detectors nIn case the pixel option cannot meet the physics and time scale requirements, the silicon strip option should hold for LHCb VELO upgrade nThe strip option should stay as close as possible to the current design improving its performance n 40 MHz readout n Higher granularity (x10 luminosity increase) n Impact Parameter resolution n Radiation hardness nUSC wants to participate in the design and characterization of the new sensors, in the module assembly and tests with particle beams at CERN nVery useful for the FTD conception of ILC IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec
P. Vázquez R&D in microstrip silicon detectors n1 module assembled in Santiago to be tested in the lab and in testbeam n IT hybrid (3 beetles) + 2 pitch adapters + PR01 Hamamatsu sensor IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec
P. Vázquez DEPFET: Belle II PXD PS system 8 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec cm 2m n44 half-modules n17 voltages per half-module nRegulation cards on radiation and B-field enviroment 22 x half-module
P. Vázquez DEPFET: Belle II PXD PS system 9 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009 Regul. DHH PXD PS Regul. DHH PS Electronicshut No radiation ~krad + H field Belle layout 750 voltages 1500 lines > 500W
P. Vázquez DEPFET: sensor characterization nLab test n Gain (radioactive source), charge collection (laser) n Dependence with radiation 10 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec Am sourceon a PXD5 matrix
P. Vázquez DEPFET: sensor characterization nTestbeams n TB09 data taking and analysis n Future testbeams ðIrradiated module ðPower supply prototype 11 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez DEPFET: 2009 test beam analysis 12 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009 Eutelescopeframeworkinstalled, someprocesorsworking
P. Vázquez Gamma irradiation nFailed depfet PXD5 module irradiation this summer n Module dead before irradiation nPXD5 matrices being tested in Karlsruhe and Santiago Dec 09 up to 10Mrad nPXD6 matrices will be irradiated next year 13 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez ASIC development nIn collaboration with Grupo de Vision Artificial at USC a project was submitted to Xunta de Galicia to be produced byTezzaron, using TSVs, a 3D pixel readout chip demonstrator for HEP applications n CMOS 3D 130nm technology n 64x64 pixels of 40x40 um pixel size n 4 layers ðSensor: pn diode ðSignal conditioning: amplification, test pulse, comparator ðSignal processing: time stamping, counter, time over threshold, 8bit memory ðReadout nPossible incorporation of 2 members of this group to the R&D for FLC project in IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009
P. Vázquez ILC Forward Tracking Disks Simulations 15 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009 nHit densities have been determined with the new geometry (ILD_00), magnetic field (3.5T) and software for each disk nBaseline 3 inner disks with pixel 4 outer disks with strips nDensity: nhit/cm 2 /BX (1BX=1event) Muon1GeVMuon10 GeVMuon100 GeVTtbar FTD_1 2.03* * * *10-2 FTD_2 1.33* * * *10-3 FTD_3 3.84* * * *10-3 FTD_4 2.92* * * *10-3 FTD_ * * * *10-3 FTD_ * * * *10-3 FTD_ * * * *10-3
P. Vázquez ILC Forward Tracking Disks Simulations nDisk segmentation in petals has also been optimized with the constrain of the wafer size nHit density more uniform than a simple 8 petal/disk segmentation 16 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009 nhits/cm 2/ BXArea cm 2 Muons 1 GeV Muons 10 GeV Muons 100GeV Ttbar-> bbcssc FTD_1 (8 pet) * * * *10-2 FTD_2 ( 8 pet) * * * *10-3 FTD_3 (20pet) * * * *10 -3 FTD_4 (16 pet) * * * * 10-3 FTD_5 (16 pet) * * * 10-3 FTD_6 (16 pet) * * * *10-3 FTD_7 (16 pet) * * * * 10-3 nAccording to the hit density disk 3 should probably have the same technology than the outer disks
P. Vázquez Summary on R&D activities in the USC nR&D in pixel detectors nR&D in microstrips silicon detectors nDEPFET project n Belle II PXD PS system n Sensor characterization (Lab, testbeams) n Gamma irradiation (Co-60) nFTD simulations 17 IV jornadas FLC, Madrid, 2-3 Dec 2009